Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
Sen Or Gifted ?
by Guest- 9 replies
As my new Reception class includes a very 'bright child...just thought I'd start a discussion as to which register is appropriate for 4 year old children who have ability to reassemble/ read nos on 100 squares,read any books word perfect,tell the time? I'm tempted to put them on both....IEPs being written already and SENCO aware of named children....Seeing as we're only a matter of days into term just wondered what others do in their settings for children so young?
- 16 replies
I am in the process of supporting a setting that has received an Inadequate Ofsted, with one of the areas being planning. The report said that the session seemed unstructured and whilst the care was of a good standard, more planning would make learning experiences more effective. The setting is a creche which is only run for six weeks at a time for 2 hours whilst adult education classes are going on, with staff that are not attached to the centre and come in as 'bank staff'. So I have a bit of a problem - who has the responsibility for planning - the staff or the centre (who have limited early years childcare experience) I have created some activity cards that a…
Striding Through The Stepping Stones
by Guest Wolfie- 10 replies
I work in an LEA 120 place nursery. Three days into the new term, the head has decided that our current system of record keeping - "Striding Through the Stepping Stones" - is not working for us; it's too time consuming, too focussed on the top age of the Foundation Stage, i.e. Reception Year, and not giving us a lot of useful information to inform our planning or to pass on to Reception teachers at the end of the year. We have a very high proportion of EAL and SEN children, for whom we are able to apply for different sources of funding and regularly have to provide comprehensive statistics, based on assessments, to show that the money invested is having a real beneficia…
3 To 5s Planning - A Plea!
by Guest- 1 reply
Are there any settings in my neck of the woods, who plan for the 3 to 5s based on the children's interests? Have been reading all the posts about those of you who are doing this, or trying to put it into practice, and I am fully converted. I would love it if the team members in my setting, who are not yet convinced, could come and see it in practice, or chat with somone who is. Have car - will travel!!.
- 6 replies
We have been looking at different ways in which we can set targets for our children. Here are some ideas, what do you think?? #3 targets set every term and reveiwed every 1/2 term, modified or adapted to suit ongoing needs , however we thought it may be better to do 2 every 1/2 term making them more mangable. OR # Take PSE, CLL, MD one term and target set, then the following term KUW CD and PD. As we have so many Children in on different days, not always with their key worker targets are not being achieved as not all staff know who is where and what their target may be, I think i am waffling SORRY! Hope that makes sense
- 7 replies
Can anyone help me my head is spinning.I took over a nursery class last september having completed my Nvq3 and I just about understand all the foundation stage stuff but I work in a term time only nursery and my boss tends to have a meeting 2 days before we go back and says this is what we are doing Iam making these if you want to that you can. I asked her about planning and she said she did this way I could do it this way or make my own up. We have 3 classes of 3 to 4 year olds and she likes us all to follow the same theme which is fair enough but the other teacher has been doing it longer and is old school so doesnt do her planning. Me personnally as a newbie at all thi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4121, -
- 4 replies
We have been told that our long term plan should include the aspects linked to what we are doing, BUT how can we do this if we do not know what our childrens need are going to be that far in advance????????? What do you think
Planning Around Number Rhymes
by Guest- 5 replies
Our pre-school have recently changed to having children from 2 years old to school age in all our sessions. We have always used topic based planning but are now finding this increasingly difficult. I have been following with interest the discussion about not using topic based planning but in the meantime am toying with the idea of using Number Rhymes for this half term as I feel this could be sufficiently flexible for planning across the age range but remain meaningful and stimulating (i.e. fun!) Given that my brain has been in a fog for the 6 week holidays I could do with your help in pulling together a list of suitable rhymes plus any ideas that you may have linked t…
Cross Referencing Birth To Three
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I've just been going through my planning file and updating it. I have one section where i list the learning potential for everyday activities, cross ref to the foundation stage. I was just wondering about doing one of these for the 2 yr olds and cross ref to birth to three. Has anybody else done this and do you think it is worth doing, or have you put the birth to three in with the foundation stage, on the same page, hope this makes sense!!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 17 replies
Hi there, I have just finished reading all 15 pages of this section of the forum and have come across many an interesting conversation about recording and noting down observations..so I thought I would ask your opinions before speaking to my boss to see what you all think..Would any of you (DN Managers especially) see any problem with me using a dictaphone to record my pre-school observations.. I had this idea the other day and thought I would see more things that were going on by simply talking into the dictaphone and writing it up at weekend rather than writing quickly, missing something worthy of noting down and then struggling to read my own handwriting at the end…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,