Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Help With Planning
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone I'm new to the forum so not sure how it works but I know what I want to know so let's see if any of you can help me! I am a governor of a play-group. The play-group is attached to a school which is in special measures. It is a very small village church school. The play group leaders is leaving and we are about to appoint 2 new leaders on a job share. I think it would be a good opportunity to 'shake up' the playgroup and try to bring about new changes in the autumn term. All staff are up for it. I would like to be involved in this process and am able to volunteer so time to help out with planning and admin. I would love to know some things fir…
Welcome Booklets For New F1 Children
by Guest- 2 replies
Does anyone have any good examples of welcome booklets to give to new F1 children and their parents? The one i have is very out of date, i inherited it this year and would like to change the format. It has space for a photo and drawings from the child and asks questions like can your child-put their coat on? go to the toilet? etc
Long Term Planning
by Guest- 5 replies
I've tried posting on our designated High/Scope sub-forum, but no-one is talking to me! As a High/Scope setting we don't particularly plan to themes. We focus on the learning environment, seasonal & cultural events and the key experiences as well as children's interests, which obviously you can't plan for far in advance. I'm wondering whether anyone else finds that LTP tends to be more or less the same each year. The Continuous Provision will be pretty much the same. We may adapt the layout a bit. No doubt there will be slightly different cultural events etc, but basically I don't think I need to change much for 2006/7. Does anyone else find the same thing?
Job/person Spec
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi, we are school nursery looking to appoint a teaching assistant for September. As it's late on in the year it's going to be a rush. Does anybody have a job/person spec that they have have used recently and could share. It would save lots of time and I would be really grateful! Thanks.( We are looking for a TA2)
Childrens Centre Teacher
by Guest- 2 replies
Has anyone been appointed to this position. What is your timetable like? How much time do you spend in different areas and with outreach work? Please shed some light on this atea of teaching?
Record Of Achievement
by Guest- 0 replies
At present in our Nursery each child has an A4 book with their photo on it and their height when started in September. Each month we try and do a piece of work that relates to a Stepping Stone/ELG -eg tracing a pattern for beginning to show pencil control. We want to change what we do but make it really manageable. How do others collect pieces of evidence to show where individual children are? And do you use folders, files, scrap books? We can have up to 52 children in our unit who also integrate with the Reception children.
- 5 replies
Hi there folks well after a very long time in Reception I am finally heading up the corridor to Nursery I am so looking forward to the change. Waht I would like your help with is recording procedures... particulary related to some sort of traching sheet that has the Stepping stones on. Rather than reinvent the wheel I was wondering if anyone else had something they may be willing to share or know a link to where I can find this? I also picked up on the learning stories/journey idea but that was it just a couple of words alluding to this in a topic... any ideas on how to find out more about this? Thankyou oh great folk of the forum apple
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
Next Steps
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all, Was just wandering if anyone had a format or ideas etc they would like to share about evaluations and next steps to learning. Flower
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
- 6 replies
There is a bit of hoo ha! (for want of a better word!) re the daily sheets we give to parents, We give one to the parents of under 2s showing sleep food milk etc and the daily activity, 2-3 sheets just dont seem to be right?. We dont give daily sheets for 3-5 years unless they stay for the day Are we on the right track? Does anyone please have a copy of a sample daily record sheet which is used at Nursery? I have a staff meeting tomorrow and would like to have something to show please help?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_834, -
Getting Staff To Make Resources?
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi Everyone I'm setting my staff a challenge of creating story sacks and various other items. I selected the books for the big room and for the baby room I asked for a visual stimulation bag for the under 1's and a song bag for the over 1's. I will get my staff to each choose an item and then i've given them a five pound budget!! lol not a lot i know but the aim of the issue is to get them thinking more resourcefully and using their initiative. They will have one month to create their item and there will be a reward for the member of staff who puts in the most effort. What do you think? Good idea? bad idea? has anyone else did anything like this? I wi…