Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 4 replies
Our pre-school setting had ofsted in just before 1/2 term and yet again the way we record our assessments were queried. We used to do a tick list (files hopefully attached) but the PLA didn't rate them, so we changed to post-its that were then attached to a chart containing a box for each of the ELGS.Ofsted didn't rate these and suggested we revert to the tick list but that it needed tweaking first ; they didn't suggest how to improve them apart from maybe removing the 'working towards' column. We love the 'learning story' which we are hoping to do as well as the assessments. So if anyone has a format they wouldn't mind sharing or any tweaking suggestions I would be ex…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6021, -
- 9 replies
Please help I am going round and round in circles and cannot stop spinning!!! I have been trying to organise planning for the individual but am finding this very difficult. . We chart the childrens interests each day ( on a wall chart) and the staff follow this up with the necessary resources etc. BUT there is no planning for each childs learning ..... basically equipment is provided,staff make observations by photo or written record and then nothing more is done besie adding these to the childs records. How can I make sure that apporpriate learning is being covered? We have a focus activity each day but this is geared to our medium/long term plans and not to the indiv…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
Help! Practical Job Interview!
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi everyone I hope you can give me some advice. I am doing a practical interview for a job this week and one of the things I have to do is lead a simple physical activity for up to 25 children (other staff will be assisting). It doesnt have to last any more than 5 minutes, although I could use up to about 15mins. The activity will take place in a playground, or if it is wet, inside. The letter said that familiar games to the children were things like the Hokey Cokey (which I dont like doing because it can be so rough), Farmer wants a wife and princess song (which I dont really want to do because I dont want any of the children to feel left out), Teddy …
Home Visits
by Guest- 9 replies
I am a nursery teacher in a large primary school. Every year my TA and I make home visits to 52 children in the first 2 weeks of September before we start to welcome children in. The benefits of visiting children are extremely valuable but I feel they are at risk of ceasing. This is because as from this April nursery classes I believe, are required to be open for 38 weeks of the year in line with main school. Our head is going to pose this question at the next Headteachers' conference but as yet the nursery teachers I have all spoken to have no idea how we can be open from the beginning of September and make home visits. Any ideas or ways around this please!
by Guest- 3 replies
I know very little about highscope, but a member of staff has asked if I could find out more. From what I can gather the children plan their activities and do 'plan - do - review' times with adults and the curriculum is very 'hands on' (which we are). Does anyone have a typical day's plans and how it affects planning - think that would be easier, but would really like to know more. I believe the assessment records are different too, so does that mean those doing highscope do not have to do the record books (as set out by Early Years). If that is the case every member of my staff will be on Highscope training next week!!! Hope someone can help.
Monthly Plans
by Guest- 2 replies
HI all I work in a pre-school room and was wondering how you all do your monthly plans. Currently we include 2 sets of stepping stones into each of the six areas of leanring. so for maths we may have begins to count with some numbers in correct order, and then we may have shows an awareness of shapes in environment. Then for physical we would have, manage body to create intended movements and maybe can stop.... and so forth we generally have two stepping stones in each area, sometimes three. I am thinking that this may be too much for us to focus on each month (our topic only lasts a month). would it be acceptable to have only one stepping stone aspec…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2202, -
Norfolk Planning (again!)
by Guest- 16 replies
Have seen somewhere medium term planning in the 'Norfolk' format with different headings than those currently shown on the Norfolk website. At the moment the headings are: Autumn 1 Ouselves Autumn 2 Festivals Spring 1 Toys Spring 2 Buildings Summer 1 Minibeasts Summer 2 Transport . . . .but I am sure I have come across some other themes, one being Winter and another Water???? am I losing it???? I cannot find these anywhere now, but I only came across Norfolk planning via this forum - ??so they should be on here somewhere I presume?? Help! (starting with a cold, and feeling like a night curled up with a good book and some chocolates, rather than preparing nex…
Next Topic: Materials
by Guest- 4 replies
We're due to do 'materials' next half term & I'm a bit stuck for story ideas (although activity ideas would also be greatly appreciated). So far all I've got is We're Going on a Bear Hunt, with a view to having examples of most/all of the things they go through for children to explore. Generally I'm thinking: ice, cooking (changing materials), Making houses from different materials (DT - 3 Little Pigs link), exploring clay (and other malleables) and investigating fabrics/clothes. Come on all you clever people - help me out with this one. (Although the reality is that being the last half of the summer term, we won't get half the things done due to trips, sport…
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all Looking for as many responses as possible pleae. Currently have one of the staff working towards NVQ, and she needs to produce 3 styles of observation formats. Obviously she has the format which we use at Pre School, but needs to create 'checklist observation format (for Physical Development), Timed Observation Format and Narrative Observation formats. Please please can you help? Examples of all three types would be great - she is worried about the course, and we are trying to give all the encouragement we can to see it through. Hopefully with a bit of help, she should be able to pull something together to impress her assessor. Thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3975, -
Tracking Sheet Help!
by Guest- 6 replies
Can anyone please help me, I have searched with no luck for a sheet someone posted on this wonderful site. If my memory serves me right it was a sheet to record that all the ELG's were covered in your planning term by term. I may have been dreaming and if so sorry to waste your time... we are due for Ofsted on Friday and I am feeling slightly loopy.!!!