Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Help Needed With Assisgnment
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi there everyone. would anyone know what aspect of assessment the: foundation stage profile, stepping stones and observation comes under??? I know that baseline assessments are (DIAGNOSTIC) ARE THEY:evaluative-summative-formative or dianostic. Thanks evryone in advance
Assesment For Planning
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi there i'm a new member and in the really unfortunate position of not being an early years practioner but im completing an early years education part time degree as i really want to teach EY. As part of a recent assignment i have to write a crital anaysis on assessment for planning within the early years and any recent assesment debates. PLEEEEAAAASSSSE help : What are the various methods of assesment within EY ?? do you know of any recent debates or brilliant methods?? i know i sound silly but i ve around the subject so much noting now makes any sense.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Question 1
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone. Just had a lovely new whiteboard fitted 2 days ago. been using education city and paint programes, a few Cbeebies stories etc. Can anyone recomend some fab websites or software for use in the Nursery? I am really enthusiastic about using it and i want to see what is available. Thank you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 5 replies
Hi We have been waiting months for our early years mentor to visit to help us re vamp our planning and help with re flow play etc we finally had a stand in visit us last Monday, she suggested organising the two rooms we have into worshop areas, so Monday afternoon as we were quiet we started turning the Nursery around and planned a free day on Tueday with children helping clean toys and play, yep sods law knock on the door Tuesday morning- Ofsted inspector- nightmare! Anyway can anyone help us with worshop areas, we currently have areas for maths literacy, computer etc What is the difference? she said some settings have a template for these areas showing different reso…
- 6 replies
I have a lot of part time staff who are all trying to understand free flow play and new planning to work alongside this. Can anyone tell me 1 How do you decide what children your observing each day/ week or do you observe as and when they come to an activity? 2 Planning for individual children how do you plan for the children who need their learning extended, we have 2 children who are particularly bright, we used to have special time with them, now with free flow play we dont get time? 3. How do you control toys not being everywhere during free flow play, we try and tell the children that they can get another item out as long as they put something away when fini…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_834, -
Sorry - Short Notice
by Guest- 15 replies
Sorry this is short notice - have a staff planning meeting tonight, and wanting some good (persuasive) ideas on how to encourage the staff to plan and carry out outdoor play. We are a Pre School with children aged two and a half to four yrs old, and we have one main room in a church hall. There is a door from our room to an enclosed garden (three steps down) - however, once outside, it is all grass!!!! has lots of small dips and uneven surface!!! lots of mole hills!! no shelter !!!(Great for adult sunbathing - but not for little ones during the hot days) - virtually impossible to ride trikes (although we do have them available) Cannot put up structures or leave anything o…
- 3 replies
Hi, has anyone got any example planning sheets for their outside area i can have a look at...i'm very naughty and have not tackled this area yet but know i need too..thanks in advance
- 3 replies
I am in the process of reviewing our foundation stage policy and am considering rewriting it in light of Every Child Matters, maybe under each of the section headings. Has anyone already done this and does it work? Would be grateful for your input. Michaelle
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2760, -
Please Help Me!
by Guest- 16 replies
Hello everyone, My head was meant to be observing me a wk on monday. All teachers are observed termly. On friday she came to change the observation date to this monday. The focus is 'stimulus through writing' (as it was last time) and my topic is frogs. I was going to start the topic by doing the life cycle, making zig zag books etc, but my stimulus would not be overly exciting and I know what she would say. Now I'm thinking of looking at a descriptive frog poem and then a real frog (my TA has a pond and all will be frog friendly), getting the children to use words to decribe the frog through observation and talk then recording in some way as a group activity. Then I wou…
- 10 replies
Can anyone help we dont currently have an early years mentor as she has been put into the new childrens centre to manage it! I requested a visit from someone from surestart for some support re planning etc. She announced that we ought to be doing free flow play! Help, I think I have the drift of this however she says we dont need so much planning just one focused activity a week and we ought to be concentrating on the children leading the play observing them and not planning activities. Then off she went! We have tried it this week ......... The whole staff team after working very hard to get our planning right are feeling confused and very disorientated. I dont t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_834,