Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
by Guest- 17 replies
A colleague & I are doing a level 3 course via the OCN on schemas. Doeas anyone here have any knowledge or experience of them?
Christmas Card
by Guest- 10 replies
Has anyone got any ideas of a christmas card that the playschool children could make. Withpout having too much adult input. we have done christmas trees, snowmen, angels using photo of childs face, foot print for body and two hand prints for the wings. But this year we want something that the children can do unaided. Thanks Rosemarie
Half Term Topic On Trees
by Guest- 8 replies
Anyone got any bright ideas for a topic on trees. It'll be the first time I do this topic. The school I work at has a two year rolling long term plan for the foundation stage so this topic has been covered before but I was wondering if there was anyone with any ideas that could inspire me to do some different things. Think it'll take the general form of moving from trees in autumn to Christmas trees to fit in with that time of year. (BTW will be doing my first nativity this year wish me luck!)
Topic Ideas Please
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi New to this! Can anyone give me ideas for interesting mini topics that i can use with a pre- reception class that we are setting up at my school. Children will be rising 4. We already cover minibeasts and toys in Reception which are great but i don't want to overlap. I would also be interested in topics from stories. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
People Who Help Us
by Guest TEEJ- 7 replies
Hi, Just finishing short term planning for People who help us and need some ideas for action songs in connection with police. Loads of American websites but they use 911 not 999 and so children would not understand. It is amazing how geared up the Americans are to early years - it puts us to shame.... Can you please include the tune.. ie sang to three blind mice etc.... Thanks, TEEJ
- 9 replies
How scarey is this! hello everyone - my first time using this... Have only just become a member have been visiting as a guest for ages though! I really need some help with planning as a whole.We have decided to re vamp our whole planning system, not a good idea now we have started. Our EYDCP are really hard to get hold -we've been told they arent doing visits anymore just drop in sessions our next planning drop in isn't til December! Firstly can someone briefly explain birth to three matters and does anyone have a template for planning? We are a very small nursery and are increasing our numbers in january and opening an under twos unit, really want to get my head …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_834, -
- 13 replies
Does anyone have any advice on dealing with a child who can't hold a pencil in the correct way. I've been approached by a parent who's daughter starts reception in January and she is quite concerned about her daughters awkward pencil grip. The only advice I could give was trying one of those rubber grips to go on a pencil is this right? Dose it matter at this stage if a child dosen't hold a pencil properly? I would of thought it was important to let the child experiment and gain confidence in writing before you make it more difficult by trying to change the way they grip their pencil! Is this right? can anyone advise me on what to tell the parent?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
The Supermarket
by Guest- 5 replies
hallo there, i'm having a bit of a panic! any1 got any fab idears for the topic "the supermarket" thought this would be a good 1 to do, but can't find any idears
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Selective Mute?
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi there I am just wondering if anyone could give me any advice. I have in nursery a little boy who will simply just not talk. He spends the whole session (2 and a half hours) without uttering a word to anyone. He is able to talk and have been told that he talks none stop at home... As soon as he walks out of nursery we hear him chatting on. I have never come across this before and just wondered if anyone had any suggestions that might help??? Thank you
Individual Progress Records
by Guest- 22 replies
Hi Again I've just been reading some more posts and thought I'd ask another question. How do you all keep records of your childrens' progress through the stepping stones? The council I am under request stepping stones booklets are passed on to the schools, but I find these a little bit basic and certainly not suitable for parents as they are too full of 'jargon' plus the staff get a little confused with keeping them up to date. SO what I came up with was an evidence record for each child, where their pictures, drawings, paintings, observations and photographs are catalouged under which area of development they contributed to. Then on the index sheet (there…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705,