Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Hi I'm starting in nursery in spetember having taught in receptuon for 13 years. I'm struggling to get my head around the fact that every child needs an individual plan updated half term ly with their next steps. In reception we plan our lit/maths focus and our free flow activites then we put childrens names next to the activity of they HAVE to visit it to cover a next step which has been noted from their learning journey. My brain is frazzled that on top of this I need to to an individual plan for every child every half term! How do others do it?
development matters reading help
by Guest- 12 replies
what would you be looking for when assessing if a chld is demonstrating this statement? Beginning to be aware of the way stories are structured (30-50 band)thanks!
Characteristics effective learning .
by Guest- 11 replies
Please can some of you give me ideas of how you record these into the child's learning journey. At the moment we use this sheet to highlight them. But I feel we need to do more as it don't have positive relationships or enabling environments.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55063, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I have a lesson observation for a nursery teacher position coming up, I have been told it can be on anything and it's for 20 minutes. I have planned the following but am now a little concerned about the children spending too much time "on the carpet", even though the story book is sandwiched between two active songs. Could any nursery teachers please advise if this is appropriate in terms of timings for nursery children's attention span... Introduction to Mr. Shark (the puppet) who is going to help us learn about his friends that live under the sea. 3 minute warm up song with actions “Under the Water” by Julia Donaldson. Billy’s Bucket story by …
Free mobile phones
by Guest- 4 replies
Went into carphone warehouse to ask if I could have any of their dummy phones thinking about communication, and communication friendly spaces they gave me all these to share within my school very happily. Looking forward to some great interactions on Monday
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23964, -
- 2 replies
I will be taking over as acting supervisor in two weeks and have three year 10 work experience students coming in!!! I would like to put together a welcome pack to help them get the most out of their time with us. Any ideas what to include? We are a small sessional morning preschool. Thank you.
- 16 replies
I am currently about to enter my third term as a Nursery teacher and am still experimenting with the shape of the day - when we have snack, carpet time, etc. At the moment it looks like this: 8:45 - children arrive, self register, free play 9 - carpet time, singing, calendar, weather, what activities are we doing today, etc 9:20ish - free play, one adult supervising free-flow play outside, one adult starts a focus activity or facilitates child-led play, one adult prepares snack 9:45 - snack opens, one adult supervises this and children come when they are hungry 11- tidy up time 11:10 - Key worker group time 11:30 - lunch time Possible new shape of the morning:…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 1 reply
Hi I a starting a new job in a nursery in September . I am very nervous as I have come from year 2. Can anyone please explain to me the planning process is nursery? Do you have individual plans for every child and if so how often are these updated? Do you have focus activities that all children have to do in the week with an adult? Any help on planning would be greatly appreciated Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19802, -
- 1 reply
Hi Looking for resources/ideas to help me ensure that all my staff are making accurate assessments. Perhaps a video of an observation that staff could all watch and decide where this best fits eg 30 -50 months etc. Any ideas of resources?? Thanks Lisa
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44593, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
http://ioepress.co.uk/books/early-years-and-primary-education/assessing-quality-in-early-childhood-education-and-care/ Any thoughts?