Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
A Resource Of Planning Sheets
by Guest- 5 replies
Hey everyone I'm working on my planning system (as I've mentioned a million times before, lol) and I decided to make a resource folder full of typed focus activities for the basic stuff, showing which Areas of development it links in with and which ELG and stepping stones it 'may' relate to. I figured this will give the staff a base and these sheets can be used over and over again where the activity is relevant or it can be extended upon etc. So I'm looking for a list of basic activities, just incase I miss any obvious ones, Im working like this.... PAINTING - Spinge painting, Finger painting, comb painting, Easel painting, Porridge painting etc etc So…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
Outdoor Planning Plus More!
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello! I am new to the forum and am still getting used to it! I'm also new to teaching and need some ideas and advice please! I'm an NQT in a Nursery class in a primary school. Does anyone have any examples of outdoor play plans they could share/good websites as I am trying to improve the one already in place which is hard to understand! Also ideas on the best ways to assess and use observation sheets? Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 9 replies
Firstly Hello Everyone, I was surfing around on the net looking for somewhere to pull guidance from and I found this place. I read through and joined up straight away as I think (& Hope) that its just what I'm looking for. Secondly, I am recently new provider in England and so have been dealing wth the fs for almost a year. Prior to that I was working in scotland and using a different programme. I had ofsted in last week and although it all went well, the planning and assessment etc was an area identified as needing development (I knew this and had been working on it already) Our ofsted inspector was very helpful and made some suggestions but I would like…
Oh My!
by Guest- 4 replies
Typical, I decide to re-jig all my planning and then I find out Ofsted are coming next week. I am in the process of totally reworking the way I plan, to use stories and I was wondering how to do this on a medium and long term plan. I thought I would thrash around a few ideas, look at this book that I have ordered etc. and now Ofsted are coming! Argh!!!! Does anyone have any Long/med term plans that could be modified to a story based plan? My old med terms were a spider chart detailing all the ss in each area that I was going to cover, with the topic title in the centre.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Big Change!
by Guest- 6 replies
I have decided to overhaul the way I am planning because I am bored with topics and find them restrictive. I used to do a medium term plan with the topic in the middle of a spider diagram, then 6 areas coming off with what the objectives are. Then I would do a pacer for the half term, and a weekly plan showing group times and a focus activity that all children would (in theory) pass through. Now I have decided I don't like it and I was thinking of planning everything through stories. E.g: Elmer, colours obviously, but small world jungle with Elmer in, counting Elmers, psed about feelings and being different, making elephant masks and going on a journey around school to …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 28 replies
How do you do your long term plans? What content do you put in it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Topics. V. Spontaneous Planning
by Guest- 21 replies
Hi all, Some great ideas in the "Colours" Topic post but also some important questions regarding the best planning formats. How can spontaneous learning be planned for in a "Topic" based curriculum? This, I think is worth discussion, and I am sure has been discussed before. I have this quote ( which I am sure I got from this site) from Lesley Abbott and Ann Langston - 2005 Birth to three matters - open university press. (which I have glued to the front of my planning book) " We would argue that planning for young children should be flexible - should flow with the child and may often be written retrospectively to describe and reflect on how what was pla…
Holidays Topic
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi. Trying to brainstorm some ideas for our holiday topic and I keep getting distracted. Have set up a camp, with two tents, barbeque etc. We were thinking of having a travel agents area too...(possibly in a themed writing area). I have a fishing game for water play, usual ideas for the sand, a lovely book of holiday pics, laminated aeiral shot of seaside etc any ideas...? I am supposed to be going away for 5 days next week and need to get my planning done first.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
by Guest- 6 replies
Could someone give me some advice baout the trackers, 3-5 by Hannah Mortimer. I have just got my copy and would like to use some of the assessments sheets in my nursery. Do i have to buy a booklet for every child in my nursery [thus costing a LOT of money] or can i photocopy and use what I need for the chidlren? While the price seemed small initially if it's 2.50 per copy it will mount up. Please advice.
Individual Portfolios
by Guest- 4 replies
We are having problems building up portfolios for all of our children that are user friendly and not too time consuming. We record all assessments on target tracker software. Has anybody used 'Look what I can do' portfolios, produced by Leapfrog learning, that have Foundation stage profile scales written in user-friendly language and does anybody know of anything similar for the stepping stones that we could use in the Nursery? How do you use those post-it notes without having to rewrite them in portfolios/records etc.? I would be very grateful for any help or advice. Thankyou, Ruthanne