Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Planning For Hall Time.
by Guest- 5 replies
We have recently aquired use of a big hall for movement and Dance lessons. THe children love it put I am slightly limitied in my repotoire to say the least (parachute etc) I have observed the children using apparatus but this school has very limited equipment (4 benches) and I would really like to use the time for more useful activities. Dance in particular. Does anyone have any ideas or knows how to get some good music. Thank you
Puzzles - Stepping Stones
by Guest- 8 replies
Dear All, Just spent the morning updating the childrens profiles and I am unsure which stepping stones are covered when a child sits on their own and independently completes say a 15/20 piece jigsaw. I know I should know where to put this but keep on changing my mind. Help please - feeling a bit thick. Nikki
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi I have to plan and produce a dance lesson that develop imagination and creativity for a group of 4-5 year olds. Our topic is shops/shopping and food/farming. Can anybody help. I was originally going to do the toyshop let move from the bbc but I can get the cassette through in time. I do have a nursery rhyme for a toy shop but I'm not sure how to build on this...any suggestions would be grateful Mand
- 0 replies
Hi not sure if this topic is anywhere else but is there anyone out there who would be kind enough to share with me their short term planning format for nursery that is school based? We are happy with the medium term planning but need some format ideas for short term. Hope this makes sense! If you could PM it or email to me I would be really appreciative. Thanks Gemini
Planning For Animal/jungle Topic
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi Can anyone help me, my topic next half term is animals i'm thinking of going for a jungle theme. I have no planning and just wondered if anyone out there has done this topic before and would be willing to share their planning? If you do have any planning my e mail address is bathurst49@hotmail.com Thanks
Retrospective Planning
by Guest- 14 replies
I came across this quote from a book by the people who wrote 'Birth to three matters' which actually agrees some planning can be written retrospectively rather than in advance. Take heart Peggy and others-the tide may be slowly turning at last! ‘We would argue that planning for young children should be flexible-should flow with the child and may often be written retrospectively to describe and reflect on how what was planned followed a particular ‘avenue of exploration’ since the purpose of planning for babies and young children is not the demonstration of a particular practitioner’s skill at crystal ball gazing. Rather, it is an endeavour to project into how any ch…
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi everyone I have recently invested in some quality science investigation products, one of which is magnets. I recently set the magnets out with various balls, iron filings etc. and wrote the learning potential up as "The children will investigate the properties of magnets, and will explore what kind of materials 'stick' to the magnets around the room". This has been very sucessful and the children are very interested. However, I am now unsure of how to extend this (i.e. the learning) - I have had a look at other links, but most that I can see seem to focus on activities to do with science, rather than the learning, but I may have overlooked something. My othe…
- 17 replies
We all, I think, plan for the term, writing detailed plans of activities and resources, learning opportunities and intentions. How do you incorporate the childrens needs and interests if the plans are already written? Obviously if the plans say we're using cars and someone asks for the train, we get the train, but the focused activites with a learning intention are written in stone and I'm not sure this is the best way. This term we are going to wait for the end of the week to write the plans for the following week, basing the activities on observations of play and abilities. Does anyone else do this or have any thoughts on it? I'd be interested to hear all comments.
- 9 replies
Does anybody know the words for Theres a tiny caterpillar on a leaf wiggle wiggle ? or any other mini beasts related songs and rhymes. Many Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_468, -
Planning For Music In Pre School
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi there Would anyone be able to help me with a link to planning music in pre school - I'm sure I saw this topic discussed here before where someone mentioned a good resource pack they used, but I have been unable to find it again. I'm looking to buy some kind of package with pre school progressive lesson plans in it - if there is such a thing!! Thanks Goldilocks