Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Literacy Assesssment
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi guys. thanks to all those who posted replies to my last topic. it was really helpfull. Ok here's the next none . i've just been given an english curriculum essay that asks me to explain my approach to developing reading/writing in the early years classroom. i also have to describe how i would use assessment to inform planning and teaching stating what i would assess and why. i've made a start and got some good ideas out of the books from the libary and my own personal experience about developing the skills (such as a print enriched environment, opportunities to mark make thorughout the provision with a range of tools and media and incorporating writing opportuni…
Last reply by Helen, -
- 18 replies
Whilst observing the children each day the Keyworker records the observation in the childs home-link book. Parents can talk about this with their child or extend the activity at home. At the moment we use a 6 page assessment sheet also that we review on a regular basis.A friend of mine was told by her Ofsted inspector that it if doing regular written observations it wasn't necessary to use an assessment sheet also. Is this correct? Do you do written evaluations of activities each day.
Last reply by Helen, -
Trackers Assessments
by Guest lucyevans- 4 replies
I've just started using Trackers an observation assessment booklet from Hannah Mortimer. They are only a few pounds each. For more info and to order:- http://www.qed.uk.com/early_years.htm Lucy
Planning A Framework In Art
by Guest- 0 replies
Im planning a framework for art for my teaching degree but do not understand quite how to plan for nursery as it is obviously different from other year groups. Do I plan activities based around the elg's? Sorry I have posted this in another category if you have already read it!
Planning Help
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I work in a nursery school with 3-5 year olds. I despearately need your help with planning. I need ideas/activities for the personal,Social and Emotional Development area of the foundation stage. Anything would be greatfully recieved!
Initial Assessment
by Guest Emily- 7 replies
I work in a school with a 52 place Nursery class (where we take in children in the term after they are 3). We want to complete an initial assessment of the children in both maths and literacy when they start at nursey so we can track their progress and show value added when they leave the foundation stage. Does anyone have any ideas what i can use? I have looked at the stepping stones and could adapt them and the P scales but i would rather used a tried and tested format if one exists.
Last reply by Helen, -
- 8 replies
I have just got around to reading a book "A place to learn". The book has some very good ideas in it which we have been using in pre-school.It gives ideas on different ways how to present activities to children in a more interesting way than we normally had been using fabrics and drapes and natural products. They give lots of activities for outdoor play to support all the learning goals. The only thing is ,they say outdoor play should be available for most of the session for all of the year! Do Ofsted inspectors want to see a plan for outdoors as well?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
Children's Art
by Guest- 1 reply
We spent a lovely day at the farm with our nursery children and this has been the inspiration for some super art work but can anyone help me answer a question . Why do all the Muslim Children want to paint pigs? What do the parents think of us for letting their children paint these taboo animals? Are they are too polite to say or doesn't it matter? I know they do not take them home and if the children take home a story book about pigs it is returned by the parents unread. Has anyone else found this?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Activity Sheets
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello, Does anyone else do activity sheets for all their adult focussed activities each week ? If you do.... what sections do you include. I've just one for this weeks language activity and it seems a bit short. I obviously don't want to make any more work but I'm not sure I'm making them detailed enough, what about you ? Jo
Planning Times
by Guest- 5 replies
First of all I must say what a GREAT web site this is WELL DONE. I work in an on site full day care nursery within the NHS. We are expected to plan weekly in the same room as resting/sleeping children (3- 4 year olds), as you can imagine this is not at all ideal, we are discussing the progress, development and needs of individual children, we have addressed this with our manager but she won't change it as she can't come with a suitable time or place for us to plan. Any ideas???? When do you all plan?