Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 14 replies
Hi guys I went on some training recently and the topic of planning came up. My adult led plans cite a challenge, learning intention and key questions / vocab. The trainer (who has been an inspector) said that OFSTED would probably be happy with that but it didn't say much about progress. She felt that the planning should be centred on the children rather than an activity or learning intention. She also talked about Reflections nursery in Worthing, an outstanding setting who use a paperless planning approach. I've been trying to get my head around this, but as the thought of going paperless terrifies me, I am trialling planning that is based upon the three COEL and…
- 9 replies
Hi, I'm being observed next week for Literacy. I'm going to do an activity based on 'Row, row, row your boat' (our rhyme of the week and boats to do with chn's interests), just could do with a bit of advice/reassurance really on whether it sounds ok or not! This is from my planning so far: Family groups- retell rhyme together using actions (in pairs). Bring out puppet and explain that he often forgets words- can we help him? Puppet says rhyme, pausing at certain words for chn to shout out. (identify chn joining in with this) What animals have we seen so far on our journey? Show a lion- what sound could we make when we see it? Guided activity- chn to have pictures from t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_51327, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I'm looking for some inspiration for our Spring 1 theme. In my school, we are expected to have a named predetermined theme but in FS we keep it very broad and then do a Mindmap with the children to decide how they would like to approach the theme (e.g. this term it has been 'Magic and Sparkle' and the children have decided to learn about dragons, fairies, witches etc). It is an overarching theme and other mini-themes go on underneath as necessary for individuals. However, I have never 'settled' on my Spring 1 theme. We usually do 'winter' but feel that I should tag something else to this as it can get limited. Last year, we tried 'clothes' which sort of worked but …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_37203, -
- 10 replies
As I started to hi-jack another thread where Sue kindly shared photos I thought I'd start a new post. I'm after planning ideas for mixed aged provision (all in one room) plus we are a total packaway group. How do you decide what comes out each day? What areas/zones do you have? Do you have planning sheets for each age range? How do you ensure that there is challenge for your 4yr olds? I'm ready to move my very reluctant staff from a 'rota' system but need to have ideas on how to do it!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm looking for some inspiration for our Spring 1 theme. In my school, we are expected to have a named predetermined theme but in FS we keep it very broad and then do a Mindmap with the children to decide how they would like to approach the theme (e.g. this term it has been 'Magic and Sparkle' and the children have decided to learn about dragons, fairies, witches etc). It is an overarching theme and other mini-themes go on underneath as necessary for individuals. However, I have never 'settled' on my Spring 1 theme. We usually do 'winter' but feel that I should tag something else to this as it can get limited. Last year, we tried 'clothes' which sort of worked but …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I am about to invest in some waterproof trousers, we are in an area where VERY few of the children are likely to have their own set of these (I have had 3 children in the past 4 years who have owned a set of waterproofs) and I would like a class set so that everyone has access to waterproofs to use in the rain, during "enthusiastic water play" and in the mud kitchen. I was going to go with the Originals but I am unsure if the Puddleflex would be better. Can anyone give me any reviews on either product in a (school) Nursery setting? Most reviews you can find are from parents who have one set which gets occasional use! Finally - sizing?? true to size \ big \ small? …
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 6 replies
I have reports to write this weekend; I have started the first one but am procrastinating because I just can't think how to phrase one of my comments! I have a very bright little boy whose language is excellent and is on the A&T register for mathematics. During C.I. play he shows excellent concentration and is fully involved in his chosen activity. BUT when I work with him either 1:1 or in small group he loses concentration and appears disinterested. He has lots to say about things that interest him and will always make links to his experiences whenever he can; he is constantly interupting when he has something to say when in a group or will interupt when an adult is…
Maths planning ideas!
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi All, I'm looking for your thoughts and ideas regarding one of the 30-50month Maths outcomes. The outcome is 'to begin to represent numbers using fingers marks on paper or pictures'. I'm planning an observation lesson on it and would just like peoples thoughts or ideas! What sort of activities do you do to link to this outcome? We will be learning about Polar Animals this week. Thanks in advance!
Interview and observation
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello I think I just need a little advise and reassurance!. I am having an interview and observation for the deputy's post at the pre-school in which I work next week. I have to do an activity and be observed for 5-10 mins for a letters and sounds phase one activity for a group of 4-5 children whose age range is between 3-4.(It will be a selection of both top and middle groups) I was thinking of doing aspect 5 with an activity based around Mrs Brownings box/bag with animals and singing the song eg Mrs browning had a bag ei ei o. I will make the sound for an animal and then ask the children to see if they can identify the animal and listen for the initial sounds fo…
Planning for under 2's
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I manage a fairly large private nursery and we have seperate rooms for babies, toddlers, 2 year olds and Preschoolers. I am fairly confident on my planning for the 2 year olds and the Preschoolers but not so much in the babies and toddlers. We have been planning in the following way - Continuous provision posters and a environment plan (Imaginative, building and stacking, filling and emptying, ICT, Sand and water, mark making and creative, Malleable and messy etc...) where key workers add activities for their key children plus noting down anything else they do/get out in a day. I was happy with this but our LA seems to think it is not enough. What else should I be doing f…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager,