Observation, Assessment and Planning
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nursery timetable
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone I wonder if anyone can help me. I have recently taken a maternity cover post in a school-based nursery. There are 26 children, 1 teacher and 2 Nursery Nurses. To help the children I have been told to stick to their routines which I agree with. However, i think the children are spending too much time having whole class and large group teaching sessions instead of child-initiated learning/play. Eg the children spend about half an hour at the beginning of the 3 hour session having registration, some teaching input, then they split into phonics groups. Then they have about an hour of child-initiated learning, then its tidy time, then more large group teachin…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Colours and Patterns - any ideas?
by Guest- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Does anyone have any tried and tested ideas to enhance our 'topic' of colours and patterns? x
New way of planning.....
by Guest- 3 replies
Just looking for some advice and guidance whilst I wait for county to come back to me. We're thinking of coming away from the development matters for planning and focusing purely on the characteristics instead. So everything would be based around the 3 areas. Any thoughts?
- 5 replies
One more sleep ? I went to visit another setting, who had just gained outstanding. In their individual learning files, each child had a check list for the appropriate age group that was an A4 sheet with a cat drawn on it, inside the cat were all the stepping stones for the age group. Think 30/50 was an elephant. I asked for a copy but it would seem the setting didn't want to share So before I start making one does anyone have something like this they wouldn't mind sharing with me? Merry Christmas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44288, -
- 3 replies
Hi where could I buy big story books? They are oversized and great for story times? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 8 replies
Does anyone have a form they use for when something is changed in the setting to show why you changed it for OFSTED purposes?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44288, -
- 11 replies
Hi all I was just wondering if you all print your planning off? We have weekly plan, outdoor planning and all adult directed activity plans for each week and I print them all of on a Sunday for the coming week. They are all linked to next steps etc. I just wondered if you think its ok to save them on a memory stick (we have a laptop on site to view them if needed) rather than printing them all of as we only look at them at the start/end of each session anyway so we could just use them on the computer. There are only the 2 of us and we only have 12 children on roll so it is quite easy to remember who has what as their next steps. Hope this makes sense! :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 4 replies
Hi! I've been reading bits about dramatising stories including adding music lately. I have done bits like this in the past but not regularly. Does anyone have any tips or ideas about how to make this effective e.g. do weekly/incorporate as part of daily storytime/focus on one story for a few weeks? Of course we use stories within role-play and imaginative play but I wanted to see if I could develop it further. Thanks, Green Hippo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone have any fantastic ideas for an observation based on the quality of teaching in nursery? Any subject! I can tailor any ideas to meet the needs of my children - just lacking inspiration!
Topic planning?
by Guest allforthekids- 8 replies
Hi all, I have recently changed our planning format to include child initiated play - one adult caries out an adult directed activity, one supports and engages in 'rolling snack' and the other observes and engages in child initiated play (possibly looking at ways to extend play if appropriate). We plan through half termly topics (we are currently doing 'toys') and I am finding this limiting - well in fact I am thinking less and less about the topic... I still often base our end of session carpet time on the topic and have set up a toy shop etc but increasingly I want to think less about the topic and more about what the children are doing on a daily basis. Now I know ult…