Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Prams v tapestry help please
by Guest- 2 followers
- 17 replies
Hi everyone, I have been a member for sometime but this is my first post! I need help/advice with online journals please. I was wondering if there are any settings in the North west Kent area that would be prepared to show me their PRAMS or Tapestry system up and running? We are all 'dinosaurish' at my group with hand written journlas etc but realise a more modern recording system is the way forward. Any help or advice would be gratfeully received, thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_36484, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi Thank you for reading this much appreciated in our school nursery we need to do a carpet session no longer than 7-8 minutes to introduce the session so that's the introduction and main teaching on my plan (see attached) Then I was thinking of doing a creative/numeracy based task as a follow up adult led activity. I have such a range in my nursery (22 children in total) about 5 are not talking or saying numbers - mixture of EAL and shy about 10 are counting objects up to 10. about 3 of those can correctly order numbers to 5. so wanted an activity all children could get challenged on. or another option is to have a different task for the more able to …
- 18 replies
I am currently re-vamping my outdoor play area and am planning to have a 'secret garden'. The garden will be entered through a wooden archway. Bordering the garden is a concrete shed on which I am planning to paint a medieval castle. There is a narrow path around the shed to which I will add bark - this will be a 'secret path' which will lead back into the main play area; I am hoping to add a wooden gate (with large horsehead door knocker) to the secret path. There are lots of pots with plants and a bark pit for digging. It is a very exciting time for us as until recently we have had only a very desolate concrete play area surrounded on 2 sides by horrid mesh fencing pa…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 19 replies
Someone mentioned Learning Scales today does anybody know what these are???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19733, -
- 3 replies
A very lovely childminder has shared this with me, and is happy for me to pass it along. I have recently had a new child into my setting so have put them straight onto this one (I use Tapestry also, so a few bits make it odd linking!) My plan is to update current children onto this, which in turn will help me see any areas in further details that they may need more support in Hope it helps EYO learning journey version.docx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 22 replies
I just looked up the word 'oblong' and can't avoid any longer what someone pointed out to me a while ago and I ignored - that squares are rectangles and what I teach children being rectangles are oblongs! What to do?!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
Outdoor play
by Guest- 6 replies
Does anyone use an old chimnea to extend role play outdoors? It is not something I have and I know nothing about them. I am in the process of re-modelling our outdoor play area which is very exciting since we have had our canopy and green safety flooring (we had only concrete flooring before). Any thoughts?
- 7 replies
Hello We operate all year round and have quite a few children many only do 1 session a week. We don't work in terms we work in 2 monthly cycles At the end of the 2 months we write a new next step plan (which is a piece of paper with all 7 areas on it and it has a next step written under each area, ie Physical- support copying letter, PSED support settling from mum, and so on. Up until now we have split the children into focus weeks, where we focus on their next steps during that week from the next step plan that we have written. We aim to cover all children twice over the 2months so we split them into weeks 1-4 then focus on them again the same in month two. We h…
Ideas needed please
by Guest- 6 replies
I have been given an almost new book case - the 'box' type, with 4 compartments, like you see in libraries; it measures approx 60 cms x 60 cms. I don't really need a bookcase but I can see that it has huge potential - I just don't know what! :blink: I don't want to get rid of it because it is so new - does anyone have any novel ideas for alternative uses? All ideas welcome! :rolleyes:
- 11 replies
HI does anyone have a copy of the ecat monitoring grid (I don't meant the assessment sheet) but the grid you enter all the information from the assessment sheet to track overall progress? I have been sent one but I can't open it wondered if anyone had one they could post so I could try that
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,