Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 7 replies
Hi all. I would be so grateful for your ideas. I have a group time observation coming up and the Head Teacher likes to see a totally interactive group time showing progress for all. I have twelve 3 to 4 year old children in my group and it lasts about 15 minutes. Does anyone have a lovely one off fail safe group time that I could please borrow? I would pay you if I could! Many thanks in advance xx
- 9 replies
Hi I just wondered how you tell the children about remembrance day? I think it is an important thing to do but not sure how to tell them about it? Any ideas grateful.
- 4 replies
Afternoon :rolleyes: We are doing lots of fundraising this term to raise enough money to buy new ICT equipment. We have very limited resources at present due to outdated software and laptops getting damaged My girls have noticed that when children are using the laptop we currently have that they are struggling with mouse control and are in fact trying to use the laptop like a touch screen. (I guess that's the world we live in these days!) I am beginning to think that a new desktop or laptop may be outdated for the children now. However, we don't have any internet access either so my question is, does anyone have some suggestions of where to look for ICT equipment wit…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42829, -
Topics for Autumn Term
by Guest- 10 replies
What topic/s (if any) are you doing for the autumn term? If I follow my two-yearly cycle I would do 'I'm a Superhero' and 'Toytown'. I want to replace the 'Toytown' topic, so would be interested in what others are doing! x
- 1 reply
Hi all. Looking for a little advice. I've been advised that I need to have more Starting Point Questions for new starters to our setting and that this is something OFSTED are really looking for at the moment. We have a basic Unique Story which the parents start off by sharing some family pictures and giving us some information on what their child enjoys, dislikes, etc. but I have been told I need to be asking more questions. Does anyone have any ideas they could please share. I seem to be drawing a blank. I don't want to bore the parents with lots of yes/no questions so therefore I would like to make the few I ask interesting and really useful to us as Starting Points. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Using an IWB
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello everyone I have recently had a new IWB (Smartboard) fitted in my nursery classroom and am a little daunted by it! I need to start using it with the children; does anyone have any great ideas for ways to use this? I would like to use it for the children to write their names but would love to hear what others do! x
Able And Talented
by Guest- 8 replies
Just out of interest really! How many children do you have on the A&T/G&T register and what areas are they 'talented' in? I had three (gifted), who have now moved on to Reception. In September I will put forward a child who is talented in swimming (100mtr). Does anyone else have children in their class who is or will be on the A&T register, what are their 'talents' and how do you plan for their needs? Yes, I know most of you are in 'holiday mode'! I will stop thinking 'school' when my husband starts 'his' holiday (ours?!) in two weeks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42890, -
- 12 replies
There I was quite happily setting up about 8.30 one fine Monday morning waiting for my other members of staff to arrive when the door opened about 8.40am and a lady walked in...... She introduced herself as the Ofsted inspector My heart is in my boots at this time but my head is going 'hey ho, nothing you can do about it now!!' My two members of staff walk in and it's like 'oh s**t let's get it over with then'. I try to phone my chairwoman who has fallen off the face of the earth on the one morning I need her!! By this time she is outside talking to the parents whilst we have a very impromptu staff meeting in the hall. I send one member of staff to set up outside a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14268, -
Book suggestions needed!
by Guest- 8 replies
Can anyone suggest books/songs which would be suited to the topic of 'Superheroes'? Thank you! x
by Guest- 2 replies
Does anyone know any suitable songs for Diwali? x