Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 7 replies
On our last 'outstanding' Ofsted to improve our provision we were advised to 'further enhance opportunities for children to work alongside artisits and other creative adults to advance and extend their experiences of the world'. Has anyone had to do this in their setting? If yes how did you go about it, what standard do the artists have to be?What did you get the artist to do? Thank you Gill
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39403, -
- 0 replies
http://eyfs.info/forums/topic/37550-primary-assessment-and-accountabilty-under-the-new-national-curriculum/ This is the main thread but I want to raise awareness in the non- school part of the EYFS sector. This will impact on your children, so matters to everyone. Please take a moment to complete the consultation, even if you are not in a school. Cx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 4 replies
Hi! A little boy has joined our setting who speaks no English, only Polish. Mum was reluctant to give us any words in Polish but did bring some with him ( although I've had to find phonetic versions!!). Our school has never had a child ( in nursery or anywhere else) who didn't have any English so there is little information, although I have found some LA stuff. Looking at other forum posts I saw that Catma mentioned the EYFS stating that the home language should be respected. We are not clear whether we should just be speaking in English to him ( the advice in school!) or should we be using words and phrases in Polish and also introducing English ones? He isn't rem…
- 5 replies
Hi! Another 'which age and stage' query. I have a few children who like to choose the magnifying glasses outside to look at the plants and mini-beasts in the outdoor area. As yet they are not commenting on what they can see without adult interaction but just love exploring and are showing lots of interest in their environment, Where would you put this? Don't know about others but I find UW the hardest area to 'place' evidence! Thanks, Green Hippo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
- 8 replies
Hi all Has anyone else found that the LEA summary sheets for their school dont add up? My % are stated as we gave them however the average % for each area are not the averages???? And paint us in a worse light. Any thoughts please? Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_48262, -
- 1 reply
I have a few observations of children using glue and sellotape as joining materials - they are choosing them as joining materials not just experimenting with and exploring them? Which age and stage would you place this in EAD? Thanks x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 18 replies
Hi When observing children and linking to development matters statements do you often have more than one observation for a statement before you say a child is secure? Our improvement advisor has told us not to observe the same things when we already have an observation for it. However, for statements such as 'shows control in holding and using jugs to pour, books and mark-making tools' we have observations of the children using a few different types of equipment? And also for 'explores colour and how colours can be changed' we have made a learning story for some of our children showing lots of activities they did over a few weeks to explore colour and chan…
time to talk
by Guest- 3 replies
has anyone had this training and is it any good? new senco suggested it as lots of speech issues in current cohort
- 9 replies
Hi all, We have a mixed age group of children at our setting from very high level 3yr olds to very low level 2 year olds. I am finding it difficult to plan activities for our little ones as they seem so low in terms of development. I've planned their next steps but since they come back after the summer and the couple of new ones we had, I think I may have set them too high (only 16-26 month age bracket). I think it is more the fact that they want to explore all the new things around them instead of doing a set activity. Our improvement advisor said that we should do an adult led activity every session, based on children's next steps/interests. Do you plan …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31752, -
- 3 replies
Hi all My school is going to set up a pre-school within the next 2 years. We are currently developing plans for it and looking at other schools that have done the same. I will be in charge of the pre-school and have never managed anything like this before and would not know where to start. I currently manage a 3 form entry EYFS but when it comes to the nuts and bolts of running a pre-school, I need to know where to begin! Can anyone point me in the right direction for reading material, courses, anything? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13789,