Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 10 replies
HI all I am going into our first staff meeting after holidays tomorrow and I think my main message is I want to shake things up a bit. After all the information on block play I want to really highlight this more, we are changing our learning journeys to make them more manageable and there are lots of resources that I think we should part with in the toy clean. However there is one area that I want to change but not sure to what... our focus activity. Now at the moment we have a lot of child available resources in the continuous provision and we have a large portion of the day where the children are encouraged to engage in free play and adults join in and extend …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2268, -
Medium & Long Term Planning
by Guest- 19 replies
Hi, I was just wondering what medium and long term planning other practitioners are using,I am thinking about changing our planning, so ideas and templates would be really appreciated! Currently we have a themed long term plan which i'm not fond off and a medium term plan with dm goals. Should we be doing seperate medium and long term planning for each room? (we are a small nursery who is just now going to properly split into preschool and baby/toddler and we have been doing just one overall plan) Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 14 replies
Hi there, We are looking to include more on the 'Characteristics of Learning' in our observations and assessments. I was thinking about maybe making a space for it on the observation sheet itself for key workers to simply tick the COL they have observed. This will therefore allow them to monitor how their key children tend to learn effectively. Does anyone else do this? Our Early years team have also suggested making a section for it in our monthly summaries. I have uploaded the observation sheet which now includes the COL's from Development Matters for staff to tick or highlight. I would love your opinions on what you think to this approach or if you think it wo…
- 12 replies
Still in a pickle over this.... How can I show that I am addressing the needs of each child in the setting if for example I have 40 children to think about? I am panicking a bit as to what OFSTED want to see too as I have a feeling we are not far off an inspection We still keep to a theme and have a couple of focus activities a week juts to add interest but its the individual bit I really want to get to grips with. Thanks in anticipation..... Skippy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44055, -
- 9 replies
How do you organise / plan / implement Letters and Sounds? Do you have L and S activities every day? Do you do this in groups or as a whole? How long do you take over each aspect? I looked at an example of planning (not on this forum) which had activities every day and whizzed through one aspect a week, so phase 1 was 'done' in seven weeks. This seems too fast to me so I wondered what everyone else did? Thanks in advance! By the way, I am thinking about pre-school aged children.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 4 replies
Before we broke up for the summer I tried to find the development matters online but it had disappeared. Does anyone know why, are we expecting more changes????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821, -
- 13 replies
I am in the process of making up names of the children which will be laminated and put into the mark making area for them to copy. What font should I use? and should there be other words e.g. mummy, daddy, cat, dog etc? or just leave it at names? Sorry for all the questions.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
by Guest- 9 replies
I have found a recipe for 'Space mud' which calls for 1.5 tablespoons of borax. Has anyone used borax in gloopy recipes before and, if so, where can I buy it?!
Keeping on trying
by Guest- 7 replies
I'm not sure if this is in the right place - so feel free to move this post, if not! Development Matters booklet - Characteristics of Effective Learning 'Keeping on trying' - IS THIS GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT?! :huh: It sounds SO clumsy. :blink:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_37030, -
Next steps/parents afternoon
by Guest- 1 reply
In the summer holidays we are wanting to make a yearly plan of all things that need to be completed so each member of staff knows when certain things are due, for example, next steps and parents afternoon. I am wondering when others do their next steps, do they co incide with parents afternoon? Previously we have a parents afternoon every term, and co incide the next steps with these parents afternoons, so we can talk to the parents about them at the same time (When a child completes their next step/plod it is re done as and when) When do you have your parents afternoons? And how often? And do you arrange your next steps with this? Many thanks in advance.