Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 10 replies
I've got a problem! In PD, with the increased emphasis of handwriting and correct letter formation in PD, and the beginning to use tripod grip in 22-36 months.......if the child is NOT beginning to use tripod grip on entry to nursery, we are assessing them as not in line with age related expectations in moving and handling, even though they are in line in the other aspects of PD. also at the end of 30-50, if they are not secure in copying some letters of their name and using a pencil with good control, as stated in 30-50, then we are assessing them as not at age related on entry into reception. Is this right? Thanks for your reply too, Catma, from France! I struggle wit…
Adult led v. Child initiated
by Guest- 4 replies
It's storytime. The children are interested and concentrating well (adult led). Afterwards we talk about the story, some children recall parts of the story, some give their opinions and others link it to their wider learning. Would you class the discussion as being adult led or would you say that it is child initiated since the children are giving their own thoughts and opinions. I'd appreciate any comments! x
- 4 replies
I know this subject has been done to death but please humour me :1b I am a leader at a small village Pre-School with 5 members of staff and no more than 20 children so have been looking into the various online learning journal systems around. My Chairwoman has sent me details of BabysDays and I have been playing with that today. The overall feeling I get is that this is mainly used by Childminders and looking through old posts and various other message sites this system had a bad write up a couple of years ago. Do you still feel that way about this site? How different is Tapestry to this? BabysDays does seem to be able to do all the invoicing yada yada yada…
Last reply by Steve, -
Where do I start? What do I need?
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, I'm in the process of registering to be a childminder and just wondered what do I need to get me started on the observation and planning? Obviously the first week will be a settling in week with activities until I get to know children better but what sheets do I need to type up ready for the first session? Any easy simple forms for me to look at so I can devise my own? Thanks in advance
- 7 replies
Hi all I have in a previous thread put that there is some variation in assessments from different settings but now I have a question about information from home. Essentially we have 45 children on role and at the end of term two parents said in some areas they felt their children had been graded too low. Well one was because another nursery graded higher, although I have moderated this file and think our grades more than fair so will take this up with the nursery when we go back. However I am now looking at another file (different key person) who had a parent say they were not so happy with some areas but agreed with others. Now my question this parent is a teach…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31752, -
Planning pro formas
by Guest- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi there - I'm sure lots of people have the same concerns at this time of year but I am moving down from reception to nursery (which I have never done) and need to think about how to set out my planning and have lots of questions. Do you do a LT plan? Not sure how I would do this as I couldn't possibly say now where kids will be in June! If you do, do you list DM statements, or activities. Also MT plan - is this a half term or full term. Weekly plan - How are you all showing how you respond to children's devp needs. Do you just write up a general overview and aims, or detailed adult led activity sheets for when doing carpet activities with all chn. An…
- 25 replies
Hi all we had a last day yesterday (yay summer hols are here) however I do still have one question on my mind. We had are parent open morning and one of the parents were not so happy as we had graded their child lower than the other nursery that she attends. Now obviously we feel the other nursery has either graded too high, or that the child reacts differently in the other setting. We have looked at the grades again and still feel that they are more than fair. We have stuck to our guns, the other setting has even said they can see why we have graded as we have, but parents a little unhappy. So what do others do in this situation stick to your guns? grade …
- 13 replies
Year on year although we proudly send our 4 year olds to school happy, confident, eager, independent and still eager to learn thanks in my opinion to a huge emphasis on PLAY and we congratulate ourselves on what our little group has achieved and yet we still get parents of these children who reply to questionaires and highlight concerns that perhaps we should focus more on getting ready for school (by which they mean numbers, letters, shapes, colours, writing....) as if we have totally omitted these from anything we do and as if these aspects will have the most impact on their overall success at school. Which of course is far from the case! I would like to be able t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 16 replies
Hi I am a qualified teacher and last year I set up a local parent and child activity class to teach phonics through play. The children who come to these weekly sessions are usually aged 3 and 4 and we explore multi-sensory activities and play active games all based around letters and sounds (and mapped to EYFS framework). The classes are going really well and the assessments we have carried out show kids are making great progress as well as having a blast so I'm finding it really rewarding. What I'd really like some feedback on if possible is whether these sessions would be useful to deliver in preschools and nurseries. I'm thinking of adapting the programme…
Who writes the report?
by Guest- 11 replies
I have a child who only attends once a week ( if we're lucky) and has spent more time at a day nursery than at our Pre-school. She is going up to foundation, next door, in September. Who should provide the report?