Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
For users of Tapestry - We are hoping to be purchasing Tapestry over the summer holidays, but would like to get some feedback from settings first. How would you rate it? (poor 1 - 5 excellent) 1. Time management - has it saved you & your staff time, is it efficient? 2. Easily accessable/usable - uplaoding photo's, adding info & assesments? 3. How easy is it to link to EYFS? 4. Making termly assesments/cohorts? - is this automatically generated from the information put in by the key person or is this a seperate task? 5. If your setting is using tablet's (as this is the route we would take), do you have any recommendations (other than i-pad's)...budget's!…
Transition report
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, thank you in advance for anyone who can help me....... We have a couple of SEN children on IEP's and our Area Senco has asked us to compile a transition report for each child, to be handed in to their new school, for the school leavers. Just wondering if anyone has a copy of one they would be willing to share?
- 20 replies
we have all done our progress summaries for our groups and it has taken me 6 hours to correct one seye's summaries, as not in sentences, chopping and changing topic in middle of sentence etc. and targets put with things already achieved and mentioned as having been in the summary. etc. other seye hand writes hers, and as errors in 3 of them head wanted them re-written. she was not too happy, but as she can barely use a computer i guess that's the only thing for it. do others have the same issues? it's so hard as first seye was the one really pushing to do them when i mentioned it last summer. beginning to regret doing them now!! but hard to stop when parents are n…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 6 replies
I have a 2 year old who was able to thread buttons on to string, what prime area does this come under please? Kind regards Claire
Last reply by AnonyMouse_46692, -
Nursery teacher job interview.
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, I have an interview for a nursery teacher job Friday. I have just finished my pgce and have not done any nursery on placement. I used to work in a nursery years ago and really feel this job would suit me. I have to teach 22 preschoolers for 15 to show I can keep them engaged and motivated, any topic. I think because its any topic, my mind is darting over loads of things and I am struggling to find a focus. Do you great people have any ideas for a lesson for a big group like this, 15 minutes isn't long. I am assuming they want them all kept together in a circle time type scenario. Any great ideas would be much appreciated.
- 12 replies
Hi all I have been looking at our learning journey's (as one of my other threads shows) but now thinking after chatting with the reception teachers and having a look at what county recommends, I may not do summary sheets at the end of each term and save this as a report like document at the end of the year, which is what the schools do. Obviously we will make clear links to learning as it happens across the term and compile next steps so there will be evidence of progress, but we will be function more like the schools do and the work load maybe more realistic. just wondered what others thought or if anyone functions like this and if it works in pre-school environ…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
Planning at end of term
by Guest- 8 replies
What does everyone do with regard to planning at this time of the year? We have been so busy with sports day practice, transfer documents etc etc that we just haven't had time think about PLODs and next steps . The PLODs sheet, for the past two weeks, has been BLANK! Comments appreciated!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14268, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone I am very new to pre-school and need guidance and advise from the proffesionals. I will be teaching a very small nursery based class. I presently don;t have any pre-school plans or resources, basically I am starting from scratch. Can anyone suggested any good maths and literacy(phonic) planning/resources I can start from. Your help would be much appreciated as I seem to be going around in circles. x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13306, -
Help with Prime Areas pls
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I am still quite new to this, I need to update learning journal and put the observation under the appropriate title eg: personal social and emotional development Communication and language Physical development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design These are the things to be filed 1. looking through magnifying glass and recognises objects look bigger 2. Putting on a puppet show 3. Sorting animals 4. Picking a picture in a book and copying it making his own version of the picture I would be soooo grateful if anyone could please point me in the right direction!! Thank u!
- 5 replies
hi i am new to this site please can anyone help. I have a job interview on friday Agh and they have asked me to do an activity to support children. this activity must relate to the behaviour framework under 'innovation and flexibility' ! I have worked in childcare for ten years and have no idea, so any help would be very much appriciated.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31752,