Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 5 replies
Wow not been here for a while, so glad to be back! We are currently adapting our planing to more of a child initiated approach! We have been inspired by the Reggio approach and I've decided to do projects based on the children's interests as well as introducing festivals and celebrations etc throughout the year. Does anyone do this? Or have any advice on child led planning? I was thinking these steps- 1. Decide on a project based on children's interests, 2. Gather resources and meet to write ideas and starting points 3. Mind maps with children's for their ideas 4. Begin with a starting activity and then plan all next activities based on what child…
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I have recently accessed the training Moving on Up- Summative Assessment for leaving pre-school. We were told that the new summative assessment document would be available on his site to download. It was named Summative Assessmet-Moving on and we were all given a copy to take away. I have searched but to no avail. If anyone can please tell me, is this document available yet? If so where can I find it as a download? It would be far easier to complete and to personalise as an electronic copy Many thanks
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 4 replies
I have an interview next week in my own reception class, they are going to observe a phonics session followed by a follow up activitiy 45 minutes in total (20minutes of which will be the phonics lesson) I am currently about to start phase four (CVCC word) as i have a middle ability group. I have phonics sorted as as it will build up over the week but i was wondering if anyone has any interesting ideas for a follow up phonics activity? I was thinking of keeping a few of my phonics group for the activity and linking it to our current interest in minibeasts. So far i am wondering about doing a phase 4 CVCC word bingo with minibeast counters/boards maybe, but any suggestions …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
We seemed to be a bit muddled and some staff have different views on continious prov and how it works. If you work in this way could you help please Currently we have set areas ie small world, water, creative graphics role play etc. We have large a3 sheets in the areas which states the 'possible' learning that can happen in these areas. Areas are resourced with lots of items for children to freely choose. We look at what the children inetersts are for example children making lots of tents out of blankets we might make a role play camp shop- ( How often do you change the areas? Do you set these up everyday? week? with a set resource? ( we seemed t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
Partnerships with SaLT
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone! Does anyone have a proforma that they use to record activities suggested by the speech and language therapist? I have several children who see a SaLT every week whilst at nursery. She always feeds back how they have done and what would be helpful for them to work on over the coming week. I would like to 'formalise' this so that I have written information (my memory is not what it was!) - I can then use this to give a copy to any parent who has not been able to attend and as a reference for the key person, who can pick up the info and 'go' If anyone has developed a suitable proforma that they would be willing to upload, I would be eternally grateful! …
observation help pls
by Guest- 6 replies
One of the little ones (age 33 months) made an object from connect a blocks and he said it was a dinosaur. What topic would this come under in the prime areas sheet please? Many thanks Claire
Last reply by AnonyMouse_46692, -
- 5 replies
Hi, i currently have a four year old child who is fascinated with weather forecasts. I would really like to expand on this for him with some weather activities that i can turn into his own little forecasts for him. We have a weather calender which he really doesn't use so was trying to think of something different for him. It would be nice if i could devise an activity that he can also do at home with mum and dad as this is when he watches the weather forecasts. Can anyone come up with any ideas that could help to expand his current interest ? Thank you .
- 30 replies
I am currently in a Nursery class. I have been told by the head that we can now take rising threes. She has told me that in September we are having children some of which won't be three until December. I think this is crazy as there is no difference to staffing ratios. Anybody else come accross this?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 3 replies
I know there are hundreds of posts which cover planning but can I ask a question, In my setting there is currently a focus activity each day which covers learning for key children but the whole group are able to join in . We are struggling with keyperson activities and fitting them into the session, they are few children that are full time and many different children each day . So we aim to do a different key person activity to meet indidivudal childrens next steps each session but generally stop the children to do this, so we do it at the start or end of the session. We prefer the start as the children can then continue thie activity should they so wish. But we…
Phonics Bug
by Guest- 6 replies
Does anyone use Phonics Bug in nursery? If so, how and what do you think of it? x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_46199,