Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 6 replies
This may come across confusing so I apologies in advance! :blink: Basically I have been putting together a tracking format, but i have confused myself...... In september if the child was within 30-50 in Making relationships and achieved all of the strands i tick 30-50 if in Spring term they are working within but not achieved 40-60 in making relatonships do I tick 30-50 or 40-60? So I think what i am asking is do you only tick once achieved or working towards. I think I'm thinking too much but can some explian how they track??? :huh:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 4 replies
Hi all not been on for a while had some big issues to deal with!! Wanted to puck your brains can a level 2 member of staff be a key person? What qualifications does a key person need? Thanks.x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_35577, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I apologise ifif this has been asked/discussed before. Just wondering how others plan for activities such as messy play, changing play-dough, adding other objects to sand and water etc, different art activities - as in, do you ONLY provide additions/changes if they specifically link to an individuals/groups next steps or weekly objectives etc or do you provide a range of these types of experiences as part of the basic continuous provision? I've read that some people have a rota for messy play/art activities? Thanks, Green Hippo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi i have been asked to support the planning for the two's room. Although I have done this before it was a couple of years ago. I wondered if anyone can share any ideas, formats, hints or tips. Thank you xx
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, we are very lucky to have been given a light table and a large mirror table. I would love to know from other teachers what activities they have used and what works/doesn't work with these kinds of resources. We had a light table before for a brief amount of time and the children ended up using it as a dumping ground rather than for exploration. We are going to cover the glass in the mirror table with pvc so we can use sand, salt and small nature items. Any ideas will be highly appreciated. Thanks, Kerry
Sensory tray timetable post
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi all I downloaded a wonderful sensory table timetable from here a few months ago and have just gone to find it in my library and low and behold it has disappeared! I'm not sure who wrote it but I think it was on a blue background. Please if anyone can remember who posted it or has another copy I would be so grateful if you let me know - I was really looking forward to showing the staff on Monday as i've just taken over the planning! I'm sure i could reproduce one similar but it would save me so much time. Thanks
- 4 replies
Hi all we have a little one who is going up to school in September the family is Portuguese. The thing is we have no concerns or worries about development or family, he is doing brilliantly and on track for his age, BUT he is still being sent to us in nappies!!!! we have mentioned it lots but wondered if anyone knew if there was any cultural reason why this might be that we have missed. We will continue to mention it been away for Easter so now we are back we will try again but thought it was worth an ask!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31752, -
phonics - ideas needed please!
by Guest- 5 replies
we are starting to push phonics now, and want to do a letter a week, focussing on alliteration e.g. this week we are doing letter sound s, and making sparkly stars, sequin snakes, and painting spotty/stripy snakes - all freely available to select, then modelling alliteration/initial sound when handing out 'work' at end of week. we also have a display with toys beginning with s for the children to explore - bit tricky trying to keep all toys on there so none get lost with new ones!!! has anyone any ideas for the following letters? m, c, t, p, g, h thaqnks x
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi, After constantly hearing about 'Mike the Knight' and seeing groups of knights chasing away the dragon before Easter, I thought it might be nice to look at the story 'Zog'. I just wondered if anybody had done any activities based on this that they thought worked well? Sorry if this is in the wrong place
Planning For Circle Time
by Guest- 18 replies
Dear all, it is this part of the year when singing twinkle twinkle star gets louder and louder and one single mono tone. I need to revive our circle time any suggestions would be wonderful. All the children sit together - pushing and climbing on each other we sing the good morning song - days of the week - where is your name - and a selection of songs action and verbal - we include childrens favs but it LACKS A BUZZZ PLEASE CAN YOU HELP!!