Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 2 replies
hi could any one please help im doing a small scale research project at uni and am looking at makaton and its use as a whole group approach but cant find much research .
- 9 replies
Oh boy what a day!!! I really need some ideas on how to communicate with a new family who speak no English. We currently have four families attending playgroup with EAL and we communicate via the phone etc and all has been effective, however this family has no English at all. The problem became greater today as the child displayed challenging behavior, however I know this is due to age, circumstances and frustration. When grandma collected I tried to explain what had happened, the grandma got the idea by my role play but was unable to reply to me. I am not happy with this as I need to communicate the positive events not just the difficulties and i need to understand th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 5 replies
we split our focus children into weeks so each kp has about 7 focus children a week We plan to meet some of each childs next steps in adult led times such as group time - this is usually a mini activity, singing story and by getting reosurces out in the workshop areas, ie Baby clinic items for mary as mummy has just had a baby and shes enjoying bathing etc and we are supporting her to develop showing care and concern (for example) We have workshop areas which are highly resourced I am getting confused with the weekly enhancements We look at what the children are interested in from our observations as a whole group (maybe this is where I am going wrong should …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
mud kitchen
by Guest- 1 follower
- 25 replies
I would like to create a mud kitchen in my outside area after Easter. Does anyone have any useful tips re how to set it up effectively, managing mess, resources used and photos to give me a starting handle all comments and ideas gladly welcomed Thanking you in advance
by Guest- 4 replies
Please can anyone suggest how I might differentiate an adult-led music activity? My head is spinning with planning and I have a total blank! Though the wine last night probably didn't help :blink: I will have a group of 8 children and the objectives are to 'maintain attention, sit quietly and concentrate appropriately', 'respond to instructions' and 'join in'. I am expecting ... all children to join in and take turns to play their instruments, most children to listen and respond and some children to make appropriate sounds including loud, soft, fast and slow. Please help
- 18 replies
I work in a school nursery and almost 2 years ago we were advised we shouldn't be teaching Phase 2 phonics or introducing reading books etc, and should stick to phase 1 phonics. The previous nursery staff had run for many years as quite a formal, 'adult directed at all times' set up, so for some parents this was a bit of a shocking change!! However we went with it and it's worked well. up to now. A recent ins[ecyion has suggested we need to do more on phonics in nursery and this has been interpreted as 'we need to get them through phase 2 before they go to school'. We have been to see another school nursery today and they are definitely sticking to phase 1 only, which…
- 10 replies
When you've completed your children's 2 yr check and parents have read, signed and been given a copy of it - Where do you keep the original?? I have been putting into the Child's Learning journey folder which will eventually go to the child's next setting when they leave and then the schools hand over to parents when they are done with them. BUT In light of the posts reference Ofsted Inspectors wanting to see everything, I'm now wondering if they should be kept with the child's registration documents which never leave the setting, even when the child does? but then equally don't really want to as storage is a real problem. Also, if a child has other agencies inv…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 10 replies
I am struggling to deal with having lots of children playing in an activity when I am trying to work specifically with one child. When I go to an activity I get a group of children heading over to play which is lovely. Thing is it can get a little overbearing. I was doing a floor puzzle with one of my keychildren and it was going really well, lots of thinking and engagement going on, then two children came over wanting to play so I involved them and the key child shared pieces but then another three children came over and wanted to play. By now was getting quite crowded in our quiet area with 6 children wanting to play. I asked the three to wait as we were almost done an…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
SongKran Festival
by Guest- 0 replies
Does anyone celebrate/acknowledge the Thai New Year Festival of 'SongKran'. If so, what sort of things do you do? Thank you. :1b
- 14 replies
I am looking for an exciting, interactive, activity based around 'listening and attention' with a small group of about 6 children (40-60m); I am being observed by the headteacher next week for performance management. Any ideas? :rolleyes: