Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 27 replies
we are trying to think of new exciting mark making ideas in my setting, we always have out pens,pencils, papers, clipboards, chalk boards, whiteboards,paint, magnetic boards etc we are having trays of cornflour gloop next week with different mark makingn implements ( plus fingers lol !) , we use shaving foam on tables...any other fab ( we do like a bit of messy !!) mark making ideas that have been sucessful in your settings ?
- 4 replies
Hi, wondering if any of you can help. We have had tents and making dens as a big part of our setting lately as there has been lots of interest in camping etc. Problem is with the children making their dens, even with see through sheets, they are enclosing themselves and there has been a few incidents like hitting etc in there. There is always staff involved with tent making but because the children want small cosy spaces usually it is hard to see everything happening inside. Today the tent had to be put away because a child bit another whilst inside. Staff member was right by the tent doorway but because the tent is small a verbal warning/distraction was not enough to sto…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_46525, -
Practical maths
by Guest- 17 replies
I want to run a workshop for staff to make exciting games/ resources. Any brill flashes of inspiration?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 11 replies
This is a tall order I know but hopefully someone will understand/be able to assist me. I have to overhaul assessment (ofsted inspection recommendations). The Early Years specialist advised me to assess the children against EYFS specifically. The school I am in used their own assessment that basically consisted of - can they speak english, can they understand instructions and what (if any) skills do they have in literacy/numeracy already. I know that we should be assessing using the profile but I am struggling to see the bigger picture. The children are only with me and the other teachers for approx 1 hour (don't separate particularly well either, more so for m…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anyone know (can describe) the signalong signs for 'juice' and 'lunch'? :1b
- 5 replies
Hello all. On our template for completing the 2 year check there is a section to assess the child's decelopmental stage in each of the areas . Could any one offer any advice on how you do this? Do you use development matters and see which statements apply to the child. For examplethe child may be a the 22-36 months development stage in PSE managing feelings and behaviour. Advice would be appreciated. Thanks all. :-)
- 3 replies
I know this sounds silly but i can't think what area I would put children's knowledge of colours under in their LJs. Can anyone out there help me please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Continuous provision HELP needed
by Guest- 3 replies
I am from a private day nursery and am wondering if anyone could tell me if we have to have a continuous provision sheet up for the staff to write in everyday, would ask my key worker but never get a straight answer thought I would try here as staff are struggling with the one we have and are complaining that they is not enough hours to fill everything in Thanks
- 10 replies
Hi, I have a group of girls (strongly lead by 1 of them) who repeatedly play at being dogs. This is EVERYDAY, and pretty much the same. They are starting to introduce a storyline and using known stories to influence their play. They asked me to be 'the witch' from 101 Dalmations and used the book to choose which character they wanted to be. However, I'm a bit stuck with how to move this play on. 2 of the girls inparticular are keen mark-makers and I'm trying to encourage them at the moment to attempt writing in different situations (other than writing their names and 'm' for mummy. Any ideas? I'm going to change the other role-play to a pet shop/vets after they have fini…
Runner beans
by Guest- 8 replies
Please can someone tell me whether raw runner beans are poisonous. I have read conflicting information about this. Thank you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2418,