Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Mobile planetarium visit
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, I was just wandering whether anyone has had a mobile planetarium visit their nursery recently - if so, would you be able to give me further information and details about it as I would like to book it in for my Nursery. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 7 replies
Can anyone direct me to Caits wow stickers please,thanks
- 4 replies
Hi all- I am aware of the moderation process and requirements etc for reception aged children but we are going to have a go at some moderation meetings for practitioners working with 3-4 year olds in Nursery classes/schools and PVI's so that they can have conversations about the statements and compare their judgments with others. I wondered if anyone out there has already done this or been involved in it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 12 replies
Hi all I have a child in at the moment who is challenging to say the least (but that is a whole different story) but he finds focus and sticking with activities quite difficult. Anyway he has shown a real interest in lining things up and there is a certain amount of sorting in this as well (by colour or type for example) now he doesn't want to count, he doesn't know or doesn't want to say what he is doing or why he is doing it, he just lines everything up! Not sure how to extend this, he doesn't like people 'interfering' in his play and is likely to just stop or shout at you if you try and join in. so far last term he started lining the bikes up and then adding a …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31752, -
Stop the world...
by Guest- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi, I realise this is probably like preaching to the choir but does anyone else feel ridiculously snowed under trying to meet the needs of all their keychildren? I have ten and it is 6 girls and 4 boys, 5 of which are not potty trained. I am mid process of settling my new children and this is fairly complicated with some staying for varied times with/without parents. Since this began my older ones have become very needy and clingy, 3 who have been well settled for over a year have started clinging to their parents or to me. Another 2 who had a lovely friendship are now struggling to get on at all and I have constant "she did this, she said that" bickering to sort out. I …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39998, -
Words to teach a 2 year old with no English
by Guest sn0wdr0p- 19 replies
We have a two year old girl who has just started with us two weeks ago who speaks no English and Mum speaks very little. This is the first child we have had who understands no English. We starting to sign and use simple instructional words and words for objects such as toilet, drink, play, dance, sit, wash hands. Can anyone please make any suggestions or pointers to resources informing us of what words we should try teaching her. I think we have all found the last two weeks since she started pretty upsetting as for the first week and a half she cried a lot - normally we comfort children by reassuring them that mummy will come back later. On a positive note she now s…
EYPS Setting visit.
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello all, I have my EYPS setting visit in a couple of weeks and am starting to feel very nervous. for my three observations I have planned:- a 20 minutes sensory activity in the baby room, probably spaghetti or jelly play, a 20 minute snack time activity in the pre school room, where I will allow the children to taste several different snacks from around the world, talk about the taste, and find the countries on a world map. and a 20 minute training session with a staff member on the 2 year progress check. I was wondering if anyone had any advice, especially if any one has tried this snacks of the world (tasting) activity. Thoughs, advice would be…
Fidgeting/sensory child
by Guest Spiral- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi there everyone, we have a child who is 3.5 and constantly fidgets and touches other children. He bounces up an down on his haunches, or sucks his thumb and touches his ear, he will lick other children, suck their thumb, twiddle their hair, touch their clothes etc. Every time he talks to staff he bounces up and down and waves his arms up and down as he talks. We are trying to support him, however we are also getting a little dizzy! Have tried to sit with him 1:1 and read stories etc, but he then tries to touch the staff too - it's almost like a breastfeeding sensory thing. Any suggestions? Spiral :-)
- 11 replies
Can I ask do you record your planning sheet under areas of learning in your outdoor area or by workshop areas Do you plan an activity outside each day? Do you plan a resource or activity for each area of learning each day Thanks if anyone has any samples of their outdoor planning would they mond sharing them?
- 4 replies
Hi All, back in the summer we ordered 2 walkodile duo's for preschool with our tesco vouchers, only received them recently and today was the virgin outing using them. We took out 5 children ( our older ones -wed pm) and have to say they worked really well - gave children more independence and responsibility and enabled children to be paired and encourage lots of chat between them. There was a moment when one of girls was flagging slightly and her partner had to be asked to slow down but otherwise a great resource- does anyone else use them ?? and what are your experiences please
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805,