Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
- 135 replies
had a visit from our EY advisor this week - and have been advised to incorporate the charactaristics of learning in the childrens obs. I am updating one of our obs sheets to show new AOL , and would like to incorporate the characteristics of learning -but how ?? im trying to make it as simple and easy to understand as possible !!
Rhymes/songs needed!
by Guest- 12 replies
Does anyone know any good rhymes for the topic of machines in the home? Many thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19354, -
- 25 replies
Hello all.... I am currently in the process of totally re vamping our planning system, and would really appreciate any help/guidance/advice on what you all do to ensure that all your children are planned for.... :huh: I am aware all settings approach this in very different ways, but would love to know if anyone has a relatively simple system in place. does everyone do individual planning for their key children every week, or rather do you all contribute to one plan for the room, if so how can you choose and ensure all children are equally considered. any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks...
Last reply by AnonyMouse_32240, -
Access action plan
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, Please can anyone explain to me what an access action plan is (SEN) ? Maybe point me in the right direction for more information ? I have very little experience of special needs so not quite sure what i am doing :blink: ....sorry !
- 3 replies
Hello I am inteterested to know whether a deputy has to be present every session. The reason for my question is that on a Friday we don't have one. We have a Leader who is in everyday and the other staff are level 3's or 2's. Last week the Leader was called away for half an hour leaving 2 level 3's and a level 2 is this permitted? thanks :blink:
Speaks no English
by Guest colechin- 6 replies
Please could you advise me. I mentioned before that I had a little boys starting with us, whose parents do not speak to him in English, but they wanted us to teach him English. He only watches Hungarian programs at home and when I asked why mum and dad will not speak to him in English, mum replied that it was due to her accent. She wanted him to pick up the correct pronunciation of words. The little boy is from Hungary and I have typed up a short list of words in Hungarian for the staff to use, which then should be followed up by the English word. Mum was upset with us when she found out, because she said that she wants us to just speak English to him, but if he is …
- 4 replies
Hi All, I know this has been asked many times before but I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to share their on entry assessments used for pre-school children? This is something that really needs developing within my setting and I would like to get some ideas as I don't really know where to start. Any help is greatly appreciated
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42829, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
please can someone give me a bit of advice. We have always planned on a weekly basis using next steps on observations as guidance for our planning for the following week. Planning is carried out on an individual basis. We haven't had a long or medium term plan apart from noting what festivals/celebrations take place each month, when reports are due, parents evening etc. We have an overall basic room planner which covers the 7 areas of learning and allows us to set the room up each day, adapting and adding where needed across the week. What should we be doing long and medium term planning wise if anything?? Appreciate any views on this! Thanks :blink:
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Small Group Time
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Does anyone have any interesting activities that we can do in Keyworker Time? This will not necessarily fit in with children's next steps but will involve children from 2-4yrs old.We will be telling stories using props and using Letters and sounds, but would welcome any other ideas. Anita
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Painting Station help please!
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello I am interested in putting a paint station in our creative area to encourage C.I.L. and was wondering if anyone knew if there were any resources out their that I could use. My idea is to use a small flip photo album with printed cards showing how to mix up powder paints, shades,textures etc. Card 1 would show how many spoons of powder paint, cards 2 would show how much water to add and so on. Needs to be colourful and simple for 2-4's. many thanks :wacko:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44055,