Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 20 replies
Hi i work in a setting where we only do week by week planning (short term). Do you have to do them compulsery or not?? and should you display long term and medium planning.
- 1 reply
We have a continious provision set out each day in a free flow environemt soi children access rsources all the time- it can be quite messy and hectic. We currently have a planning form which has workshop areas down the side and days on the week across the top. m t w t f Sand Small world We were told to add resources to meet next steps - we put this on the same sheet as above and write in blue on the day the child is in ie on Wednesday- Space tuff spot mat and figures in small world (Harry) But what we are getting confused as we may have at the beginning of the week we might of had an enhancement of farm and animals because lot…
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Does anyone have a template for time sampling observation please?
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
3D shapes
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi! I'm looking for inspiration, i have a 4 year old who knows all his shapes, can count to 100, can take away and add etc... I was thinking of doing an activity with him on 3D shapes, as this is an area that we haven't done anything with yet, but i wanted to make it fun!! Has anyone got any ideas of what i could do, he doesn't like messy play, he enjoys cars, role play, Batman. I would like to somehow link this in to his play, any ideas???? Thanks
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
On entry profile
by Guest lillybeth- 1 reply
I had a chuckle today, we had a lovely little girl start nursery she is just three. In her unique child booklet that her mum completed in the section on favourite songs mum started with twinkle twinkle, then her mum said she liked Coldplay Paradise, the she added Michael Buble the she added Adele Skyfall I just thought how times have changed.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi! Recently I found on here a lovely simple up-date sheet for parents to fill in on a termly basis but, of course, I can't find it now! Think it was just on one sheet of A4, and asked about child's current interests etc. Anyone know where I can find it? Think it may have been Cait's Thanks Green Hippo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
planning again-i'm sorry
by Guest- 6 replies
We have currently been looking at our planning format and routine and the more i look the more confused I get. At the moment we have fortnightly planning which includes the 7 areas, in each area we plan a skill we would like to cover, possible activities and differentiation and then we ideally evaluate anything which has taken place (although we struggle to look at and use this even if we have filled the boxes in. We then have group time planning - at the moment we split the older and younger children and have a specific focus each week e.g. letter sounds, countiung etc and we do this for 10-15 mins daily. As of September each key person plans next steps for their own c…
adult led/child initiated
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello we are currently in the process of changing our planning and possibly the routine! At the moment we do child initiated activities inside until 930-rolling snack with a staff member starts at 915 and we open the garden at 930 and so the child initiated activities continue till the garden closes at 11- at 1110 we have a tidy up time and then do a ten-fifteen minute group time (older/younger children split) which leads into lunch- the grouptime tends to be focused on counting or phonics but isn't necessarily an activity as such due to the time of day! Within the child initiated times we currently have planning in place but its not really a working document. We have dis…
Songs suitable for machines
by Guest- 10 replies
I am looking for songs that would be suited to the topic of machines. Machines ... on the road ... in the home ... machines of the past ... in the office ... machines in space; - any suggestions?
PLEASE HELP... Obs sheet
by Guest- 7 replies
A couple of weeks ago I saw an observation sheet that someone had posted and thought it was brilliant........... BUT Ive not been able to find it since Ive searched & searched the forum to no avail !!!!!!!!! What I can remember is that it had a smiley face and a sad face at the bottom of the sheet to say if the child had enjoyed the activity.. Please please help xxxxxxxxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120,