Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 4 replies
working with a child who is bright but extremely disorganised...struggling to find how best to record this in the learning journey. Child can manage self care, but has to be told again and again to do simple tasks like put on shoes, coat ets, and is always the last to start and complete any given task. I think dyspraxic but need to know how best to tie my obs into the development matters statements. Any help would be gratefully recieved as well as strategies to help. Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Good evening Just after your thoughts on a matter. Over my many years as a practitioner and SENco I have referred many children for various reasons. However I find every now and again the parent goes to their GP and whilst there comments that we've mentioned 'little Jonny may need some additional support' only to find the DR/ health vistor undermine us and reply with something like 'they're very young and seem fine to me....., nothing to worry about, no point come back when he's 5' etc. I'm finding it really hard to not say anything to them - they see the child for 5 mins listen to parents and say no the Pre school is wrong. It makes us loom stupid and…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11962, -
Phonics Phase 1 Resource Kit
by Guest- 1 reply
Has anyone bought the L&S Phonics Phase 1 Resource kit @ £150 from TTS? If so, what are the resources like? Thank you
Using torches - DM Statements
by Guest- 2 replies
Would you class battery operated torches as ICT? I have a peer observation this week and need to include ICT; however, the lesson is planned around 'talk time' - so is language based. I have taken the lesson idea from the 'communication cookbook' (word magic) and have decided to talk about candles. We have been looking at 'light' and silhouettes, generally, so I can make a connection between the candles and torches. I am really struggling to include ICT in my lesson. I realise that ICT is now included in 'technology' and have included the following in my lesson plan: Shows an interest in technological toys ... or real objects such as cameras or mobile phones. Sho…
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
We have been doing a snack in the morning and a snack in the afternoons and it does sometimes feel that the afternoon is all about feeding them when they only had lunch an hour and a half ago. It would be nicer to just offer a drink.. or a biscuit outside if that's allowed nowadays since we have such a healthy snack every morning and concentrate on great afternoon activities, especially as we have less children in after lunch. We were thinking we could let the children have longer for their lunch to ensure they aren't hungry but not sure if serving afternoon snack is an eyfs requirement or if any other pre-schools have thought about this?
Provision Mapping
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, just been looking at some paperwork from our SEN advisor and she is suggesting we should be doing provision mapping in our setting to ensure we meet the needs of all children at three levels (wave 1,2 & 3). I have no experience of this nor have i ever heard of this :wacko: . Can anyone offer me any guidance as to what i should be doing (sorry if i sound stupid :blink: !!)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
Next Steps
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all I wonder if anyone could share how they plan for these, how often they do them and some examples of what they are please. This is an area that ties us in knots! All help gratefully appreciated Debster
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19135, -
- 3 replies
one of my performance management targets is to get majority of nursery class to age-related expectations for phonics. i am now in process of highlighting all statements from communication and language and reading and have found the following C+L 2 Recognises and responds to many familiar sounds, e.g. turning to a knock on the door, looking at or going to the door 3 Shows interest in play with sounds, songs and rhymes R 4 Enjoys rhyming and rhythmic activities 5 Shows awareness of rhyme and alliteration 6 Recognises rhythm in spoken words , but would any of expressive art and design be included? e.g 6 Sings a few familiar songs 9 Taps out simple repeated rhyt…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Widget symbols
by Guest- 8 replies
Does anyone know where I can download free widget symbols? I am looking for symbols for the following words: 'what', 'where', 'who', 'describe' Any help would be much appreciated as I need them for part of my peer observation activity next week. I have access to the symbols at school, but am preparing my lesson today . Many thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5013, -
- 12 replies
Hi everyone, just need a bit of guidance regarding starting point information on entry to pre-school for me to complete with a parent. We currently do 'all about me' booklets which go into the front of a child's learning journey which parents complete about family, likes, dislikes, favourite foods, and any other information etc, but feel we need to have some sort of on entry questionnaire (for want of a better word) to complete (with a parent rather than getting them to take home, so we can discuss with them why we need to know).
Last reply by Steve,