Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Progress towards the profile?
by Guest skm300389- 0 replies
Before the foundation stage profile/EYFS changed many councils issued schools with a document which highlighted the sort of things which could be seen or heard from the children which would evidence that they had achieved whichever point scale. Now that the new foundation stage profile has been brought out has a new one been published or is there any advice out there?
- 10 replies
Hi All, I am wondering if you can help me. I have a little girl in my setting. She is left handed and has started to copy all letters backwards and from right to left. I have introduced the green to red system and that seems to be working, but her parent still is a bit concerned. Is there anywhere online I can print her off some guidance to reassure her that it is a normal stage of development. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hi i work in a preschool and wonder if u could help me please. I am CACHE Level 3 qualified and have had several issues with my learning journals and now have been told i have to do them with another colleague because of my spelling punctuation ect. But i have never had problems before and i am not dyslexic i have mild learning difficulties i do however feel discriminated against and feel that if there is such an issue then i should stop being a key person as my confidence is non existence atm :-((
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Any thoughts are welcome - I'm playing around with the format of our ILP - this one is a simple idea ilp new idea.pdf
Last reply by AnonyMouse_834, -
A little guidance please.
by Guest- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi, looking for a bit of guidance. We have a child in setting who is 26 months old. He loves anything to do with wheels, he will up turn he dolls buggies/ prams so that he can simply spin the wheels around over and over again. He is also often found with things in his hand (for instance yesterday it was the lid of glue stick) and he simply rolls it in the palms of his hands over and over. He doesnt really play with things such as cars/trains and as yet have not really engaged him in other activities as he simply wants to be spinning the wheels and rolling things in his hand. He is not interested in the malleable area other than to roll the rolling pin in the pal…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Maths Homework!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Ok, so maybe not homework per se, but maths activities that we can send home for families to do together... Last term we started sending home story books with the children, they get to change them as and wehn they like, some children keeping them for 3 or 4 weeks at a time (but reading them with at home lots) others changing them every day, and we have had a "story of the week" which has really boosted our children's interest in stories, and increased parental interest & involvement. Now we would like to extend this to include maths ideas / activities. Lots of our parents are begining to ask about maths for school etc. While we don't want to start focusing on s…
Looking for simple jokes!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 12 replies
I am looking for very simple jokes which I can share with my nursery children. CL: Understanding - Understands humour, e.g. nonsense rhymes, jokes This morning the children were laughing when the new 'teacher' (a 3 year old boy who was sat in the teacher chair) said something 'funny'. The conversation then moved onto 'jokes'; for the most part, the children didn't understand the meaning ... and then one child said "Knock, knock." [Who's there?] "Cock-a doodle." [Cock-a-doodle who?] One or two children laughed - but many looked confused and then joined in with their friends. Anyone have any other good jokes I could use?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 18 replies
Hi Everyone, i was on here a few months ago and i found some continious planning sheets that were really good and would like to see them and print copies to show to staff members and then all staff will get together and make new ones for our setting. Does any one know how or where i can find these?. I work in a playgroup, childrens age ranges between 2-5. i would appreciatte any help with examples please Lynne
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
New Development Matters Points 2012 1 2
by Guest- 1 follower
- 34 replies
Hi all, I have just created a document with all the new development matters points on in a table for each area. Thought I would share it with you Zoziebell xNEW DEV MATTERS 2012.doc
- 16 replies
We used to do a circle time in the mornings to introduce whats happening today Then we had a singing time after tidy up time before lunch and then story after lunch The consultant that came in last week said we should stop circle time and let the children come into play and suggested we didnt do singing or story time either as she said practitioners should be doing this as they go, ie if we are playing and come across a spider we start signing itsy bitsy and we should be available to read stories throughout the session. Can I have your thoughts as we did try this and it seemed quite strange and the session just didnt feel right I know we have to leave it for a wh…