Observation, Assessment and Planning
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PLOD - glue
by Guest- 5 replies
A little boy (who rarely chooses to do use the 'fixing station' area) was persuaded to do a glueing activity last week. He was fascinated in the glue dripping from the glue stick - just watched this for approx 2 mins. We have though about having 'gloop' for a PLOD - any other ideas? Any novel ways of using golden syrup perhaps?!
Focused Assessment
by Guest- 2 replies
How do you decide on what / who to focus your assessment activities on each week, how many do you do and how do you keep a record of the coverage over the year? Sorry so many Qs - just wondered what others do!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi Can anyone direct me to the page which has all the development mattes on one sheet, which can then be used for cuttuing and pasting PLEASE!!!! Know it's here somewhere but can't seem to find it!!!! Thanks a lot - would be so grateful xxx
characteristics of learning.....again ! 1 2
by Guest- 1 follower
- 41 replies
Hi, i have got all my learning journeys up to date and have a tracker sheet for all my areas of learning so i can see at a glance where all the children are up to. What i am struggling with is how to record my Characteristics of Learning ? Am i meant to record a CoL for every observation i do, as well as the area of learning or should i do some obs based on the CoLs and some on the area of learning ? Sorry to sound thick, just need some guidance :blink:
- 21 replies
Another post about planning!!! Have been looking at everyones planning formats on here that have been kindly shared and am amazed at how different they all are. After spending a lot of time in the sumer tweaking and revising our formats I am now ok with them. Just wanted to know how everyone fills theirs out. I have sat down to do my basic weekly plan for next week and had a complete blank and a real downer about the way we fill them out. Do you use the developmental statements as your learning intention (word for word) or do you use your own language? I think I am losing my marbles and may have done far too much paperwork and looked at far to many planning formats an…
by Guest- 4 replies
As part of the EYFS it specifically states that, " ensure plans are In place for transition either to another setting or to Key Stage 1". For pre-school aged children how do you all show as this evidence for your setting? We are based on a school site and regularly liase with reception class at play times.
Learning stories at home?
by Guest- 14 replies
Just wondering if any of you take your key children's learning stories home to maintain and update or do yours always stay in the setting?
- 6 replies
Hello I'm looking for a resource I can use with my Preschool to chat about firework safety. I have trawled the web but the bits I find are either too old or too scary for our age range. Am just looking for a child friendly guide, or ideally powerpoint. Thankyou for any help :1b
by Guest- 2 replies
Please can someone point me in the right direction? I would like to find a list of all childcare qualifications with their equivalent levels - from level 2 (is there a level 1?) to QTS. Can anyone advise? Many thanks!
- 6 replies
I need to find a way of incorporating three levels of progression into my termly tracker sheets. I am thinking a basic 1, 2, 3 which I could then put the definitions emerging, secure and developing next to so that it is explained for parents. Does this make sense?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14268,