Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Medium Term Planning anyone?
by Guest- 10 replies
Do I need it? I developed a new medium term planning in line with the changes of the revised EYFS. However i've recently reviewed it and think it is insignificant. I cant thing of anything else to add/change to make it significant! Do i need it? I am try to reduce work load (as promised with the reforms). What are your suggestions, if you still use it what does it include, do you have a copy Thank you! Is it Friday yet????
What goes in to Long Term Planning?
by Guest colechin- 5 replies
Hi everyone, One area I have overlooked is typing up the long term planning for this year 2012/2013. I know that the development matters, celebrations, outings, visitors should be mentioned on the long term planning but, is there anything else that should also be mentioned. I am due Ofsted next half term, as my 3 years are up so, need to work on the last bits of paper work this half term. Thanking you in advance for your assistance :rolleyes:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 8 replies
shameless promotion but I received my copies of alistair bryce clegg 4 new books saturday and have spent the last 3 days pouring over them with the hugest smile on my face!! can't wait to try some of his ideas out
- 12 replies
do you write it as they say it? I dont!! but have picked up a few obs on one of my key children from other staff and she has written that he commented 'I putted 11 on' I cant believe never come accross this before but do I change this to put??? She also wrote he said 'I useted to' at first I thought it was her spelling mistake and was surprised but then saw the other 'spelling mistake' and realised what she was doing!! Be really interested in others views please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
- 2 replies
Please I will appreciate any suggestions on document/written evidences on meeting standard 19 'Establish a safe environment and employ practices that promote children's health,safety and physical, mental and emotional wellbeing' and standard 27 'Listen to children, pay attention to what they say and value and respect their views' Thank You :1b
- 12 replies
I am doing my EYPS at a nursery. I have a 4 years old who recently started the nursery and mum have cancer. I am not sure what type of cancer because mum is not saying. The child is not fluent in English. Spanish is the spoken language at home. I am looking for activities to do to support this child with this home circumstances. I am hoping to meet Standard 31 'Work in partnership with families and parents/cares, at home and in the setting, to nurture children, to help them develop and to improve outcomes for them' Thank you for reading.
- 54 replies
I have been updating my booklet for parents - kindly proof-read by Sunnyday (big thank you!) and we thought someone else out there might be interested. It's a word document, margins set to 1.27cm so it makes an A5 folded 'booklet'. Please feel free to use it if you can make use of it - if you have any useful suggestions for improving it, please shout! Parents\' Guide to 2012 EYFS.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21338, -
- 14 replies
Hi, I almost don't dare post this after the Next steps/plod debate!!! Anyhow, here goes: when a key person has decided on a way of 'taking this child's learning forward' (i.e. a PLOD!!!) following an obs or number of obs, especially where it involves adults supporting language/relationships/extending play etc as opposed to providing additional resources or an activity, do you and how do you communicate that with the other staff, assuming that all staff may interact with that child at some point? If it's a resource/activity etc then this will be written clearly on the planning xxx is out for xx but should we write the other 'stuff' somewhere to ensure that this does happe…
Elmer / Dinosaurs
by Guest- 3 replies
Has anyone ever made models of Elmer from plastic milk cartons? I have seen a photo somewher and they look fab. Also I know another practitioner has made dinosaurs heads from the cartons. Just need a photo to get the idea sorted in my head. Thanks
- 4 replies
sorry for being so thick. Just going through development matters. Literacy - writing 30-50mths sometimes gives meaning to marks as they draw and paint (I understand this self explanatory) ascribes meanings to marks that they see in different places (what does this actually mean is it not the same as above but in different places) I am sure someone can help have looked in dictionary but still none the wiser. buttercup