Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
Help - which area/aspect?
by Guest- 6 replies
Can anyone suggest which areas/aspects for the following? Child playing in small group - the children had moved chairs to make a train. Needed tickets. Teacher suggested that children make some. Teacher found small 'ticket' size pieces of card for children to write on. Child did not have a piece of card (given out by the ticket collector), so she took an A5 piece of paper and said "I need to tear it to make it smaller" then proceeded to tear the paper and make her 'ticket'. She is 41 months.
- 4 replies
I have a child in my setting with extensive additional needs. She was assessed age two and a half at around 12 months developmentally in all but her physical development. Physically she is very able, and can walk, run and climb, which obviously has implications as she has no awareness of danger! Initially I worked on her expressing choices, by reaching for an object she wanted or pushing away an object she didn't want. At that point we had no communication, not even eye contact. However, 6 months on she is now trying to communicate, using eye contact, gestures, and copying some vocal sounds, which is great. Her play is very repetitive, such as posting items into a box, bu…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33615, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hiya, would like to improve on what I already do regarding observations . Im not that confident about it at all really - what to look for, and note down, when observing my mindees. Having read through quite a few of your posts wondered if anyone had any suggestions at what books you'd recommend that give examples of how to do it !. I did find a helpful aussie guidance on this but would like some further reading. I currently have a 2yrs plus and a new mindee of only ten months and would like to "crack it" once and for all . thanks very much in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2418, -
Help! General phrases in Albanian, Turkish and Bengali
by Guest Spiral- 6 replies
Has anyone got a few general phrases for three children we have who speak very little English? I've tried in vain to download, but the pronounciation is lost on me! We've asked their parents (all of whom speak good English) and they all replied stating they don't think it'll make a difference to their child. Has anyone got something stating how the following are pronounced? Do you feel well? > > Do you need the toilet? > > Would you like some food? > > Would you like a drink? > > Are you too hot/cold? > > Can you stop please? > > Would you come here please? > > Can you stop? > > Yes > …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 53 replies
Went to a meeting last night where we were told NOT to do 'next steps' anymore. I would be really interested to know what you do in your settings now the new EYFS has come into force. I am so confused now!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2418, -
- 5 replies
Hi We need some help please. We are still going round in circling with our planning. We are a sessional pre-school. Do any of you still complete Activity Sheets to evaluate any of your activities? e.g. the craft activity.We fill in an activity sheet and evaluate how it went and put an example of what the children made or a photo showing the children doing the activity with it. We are only having "loose" topics this year and are going with the children's interests so how do you evidence what has been covered? If anyone is still using Activity Sheets and are willing to share theirs, they would be much appreciated. Thanks for any help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42713, -
- 11 replies
Not sure where to start with this: I had a child start at my setting two weeks ago. He is two and a half, and is not overly keen on playing with the other children, but will play alongside them. He does play with the train set for a short period, but his main interest is number. He can count to 10 easily and recognises the numerals..............and can write them down, in order, correctly and then write them down in reverse order too. He can also make the numbers out of pipe cleaners! Now, my colleague and i were talking about this and we both said, well, ok he can write and recognise the numbers 1-10......what next?? and when he was next in and writing numbers, I sat bes…
play to z
by Guest- 2 replies
Am seriously updating my heuristic play resources and wondered if anyone out there has used this company, the resources look wonderful but are quite expensive and I wondered if they were worth spending out on. I have exhausted all routes such as charity shops, jumble sales and blagging from parents so am prepared to spend some money to get other equipment. www.playtoz.co.uk
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5970, -
Quip inspection help
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello all.... we have Quip coming next month to look around our setting. would someone be able to tell me a little about what they are and do and what kind of preparation is needed. Do they have a website.... Any information would be much appreciated thanks...
- 6 replies
Hi, I'm new to teaching preschool as I have previously taught Year One for the last 6 years. My children range from 2 years and 8 months and 3 years and 5 months. They are at school fulltime. Please could you look at my timetable and give suggestions. I should also mention I teach in Egypt which is why there are Arabic lessons. This is the basic timetable: 8am-8.40am - free choice play inside 8.40am-9am - Phonics (currently doing phase 1 activities) 9am-9.20am - breakfast 9.20-10am - Arabic 10-11am - free choice play outside and focussed tasks inside 11-11.20am maths 11.20-12 lunchtime 12-12.30 nap / rest time - I am thinking of changing this as nobody actu…