Birth to 3
269 topics in this forum
Observations From Birth To Three
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, I am having a problem with staff opinions on when we should start observing our children. I have some who feel we shouldn't observe until they turn three (that is any obs) , and others (including myself) who feel that some obs should be done as the children join (that is what they play with and who, etc) When do other people start to observe? and to what extent? Rachel
Continuous Provision Links To Bttm
by Guest Wolfie- 22 replies
Now I don't THINK that this has been asked before but I'm willing to be proved wrong....... Does anyone have any plans for continuous provision that show links to the Birth to Three Framework rather than the Foundation Stage area of learning? I've run off all the wonderful sheets already provided on here and am going to use them as a starting point for devising some for the EYFS - just wondered if anyone has linked any to BTTM that I could refer to as well?
- 3 replies
Hi Just wondered are you still using the birth to three matters framework in the uk, or do you just use the foundation stage curriculum for all children? Have you found it much different? Thx would love to hear any feedback on this subject
Planning For Under Three's
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi everyone. Can anyone help me with the planning for the under three's room of our Children's Centre. All our under three's are in one room and we are going to have some young babies joining us soon. The trouble is we also have some advancing three year old's who are not ready PSE wise to move into the over three's ( we have already explored this option with parents, key people and visits). I am looking at the provision over the Easter hols to try to ccomodate and differentiate for all the children. Any ideas? Thanks !!!!
- 23 replies
Hi I have a child in my room who is 2 years and 8 months. However, we are struggling to keep her entertained. She is very bright for her age. Can count to 10, knows her colours and shapes and at planning time will have a good guess at who name card i am holding up. However, she seems to get bored easily and as a result gets upto a lot of mischief. She doesn't seem keen on sharing and if a child has something she wants she will go to any length to obtain it, often resulting in her physically attacking the child. She is also found of say the phrase 'shut up' too which we never use. We do give her time out when needed but sometimes she can spend most of the d…
- 2 replies
I am supporting a day care setting which has a room for children aged 2- 3 years old. It is quite small with up to 12 children at one time. There is also access to outdoor play. I would be really grateful if anyone was willing to share their planning, activity sheet ideas and their timetables with me. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7356, -
Help Needed Fast!
by Guest- 7 replies
Ok, i have been away a while and just renewed my subscription at last!!! Basically I moved to Canada in October etc, etc Anyway I had an interview today at a child care centre and they have asked me back on Thursday and they want me to plan a science craft activity and a circle time activity for 2.5 - 3 years olds, there will be 8 of them and 2 other adults including myself. I think they basically want to look at my planning etc, but i will be carrying out the activities aswell. The theme is 'cool science' very broad i know. So ideas, ideas, i need ideas!!?? Thanks
Peal Traning
by Guest- 7 replies
has anybody done the PEAL training ? if so what did you think of it? saki
Please Help
by Guest- 4 replies
hiya many apologies to all of you a few weeks ago i asked about help with starting sentences with learning journals - some great person replied with the attachement but i lost my pen last week , i have tried looking for it again on the forum but cant find it can anybody help would really apprecite it saki
Baby Effective Early Learning Programme (beel)
by Guest Wolfie- 6 replies
Has anyone embarked on this programme? I'm considering it for our setting at the moment and would be grateful for any feedback - or from anyone who has done the EEL programme as it's obviously run along the same lines.