Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Christmas Cards
by Guest- 1 follower
- 10 replies
At school we are going to be designing cards for the Christmas card project. In order to get the designs out in time for parents to decide if they wish to buy them we have to do the artwork next week. Working in a mixed FS2/Y1 class I do not want to start Christmas yet and get the children into that mood in September!! Does anyone have any ideas of art work suitable for FS that is not too complicated and not too Christmassy!! My only idea so far was a self portrait so any ideas appreciated. We can not use glitter though we can do collage with certain materials. Thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hello!! Please please can anyone share their wisdom?! I'm back in Reception after having two maternity leaves VERY close together. (I have two little ones under two) We've made lots of changes and to our setting but we are struggling a little with managing the children in the outdoor learning environment. We currently have 2 adults outside all day- 1 for the adult focused and 1 to support/enhance continuous provision. (We are blessed with 5 members of staff & almost 60 children) We have lots of exciting activities available indoors and outdoors but last year we found that given the choice they'd ALL want to be outside. (Sorry to go on) I really nee…
Development Matters Sheets
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello there everyone, im in reception and need to track chn's progress on the development matters, does anyone out there have these sheets, or where do i go about finding them please. I'm an NQT and already feel like i'm drowning amongst it all. xxxxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
Phonics For Parents
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all, have been searching for a really nice, simple presentation for parents as an intro to phonics for an initial parents meeting. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Also what do you do/talk about for your first meeting? Any ideas greatly received!
- 14 replies
Hi this year rather than printing out the masses of photos we take, I would like to organise the photos into files for each child so that at the end of the year they can take home a disc of their year as a gift and save us printing costs (was inspired by someone on the forum who did this and wanted to try it this year) What I would like to do is to tag the photos with each child's name and/or the area of development and let the computer do the work rather than manually copy and pasting photos into files. Can anyone suggest an easy program through which I can do this? Thanks deb
Senses - Sight Activities
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi As part of 'All about me' we are looking for exciting activities to do with sight, and any recommendations for good books. We have thought about shadows, making shadows, how they are made, following a sundial outside and plotting movement over time...(maybe kids can make own) Light and dark: Blacking out a tent, getting chn to go inside to look for things, use glow sticks inside, wear flourescent clothing inside, use torches. Use our eyes on a 'Welly walk' to look for signs of autumn, look at autumn colours, take photos. Role play - A photography studio, or opticians. Eye colour chart for maths - there is something on iboard for this so get ICT ou…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Using The Ict Suite
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, Im an NQT in reception. We have access to the ICT suite twice a week. Due to size of class we will be visiting in 20 minute shifts. Apart from using colour magic and espresso, can anyone make suggestions as to how I make good use of this time? Thank you
Help Pleeeeeease
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi there everybody, WOW!!! What a great find, i so wished i came across this sight during my 3 year training last year. I am so sorry to bother you all, but as an NQT in a reception class, I really want to get my assessments spot on, or as close as possible. I need a little advice here. The only assessment sheets I have is basically the profile points 1-9 on an A3 sheet covering each area of learning. Every half term i will highlight in a different colour, where each individual child is. My question is...Should each child in my class also have development matters sheet, the one with the age bands on. Should I be using those seets in conjunction with the A3 …
Advice Needed On Elective Mutism
by Guest- 9 replies
Although I have been teaching for more years than I care to remember this is the first year I have come across a child that just will not speak to me or any other adult in class. He has speech difficulties and has already been referred to S&L whilst in his previous setting. Mum advised me during summer term at the home visit that he doesn't talk, only at home. His nursery key worker advised the same and said he would get by on pointing at things he wanted. Well, he has settled in to school and seems very happy. After the first four days he began to speak quite animatedly to his peers particularly during role play and small world. He is eager to take part in…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
- 10 replies
Hi all A while ago I can remember someone attached a chart that detailed evidence to tick when you had collected e.g. photo, work, observation etc for each child. I remember downloading it but seem to have lost it. Anyone have any ideas where I can find it on here because I'm not having much luck. Many thanks Brownie x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282,