Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Books For Home Topic
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, Please can you recommend some good books for 'Houses/Homes' topic? I have Goldilocks and The Three bears, Jack and The Beanstalk, The Three Little Pigs. Thanks in advance Together xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 3 replies
Hi Had my class in today for the first day and had a lovely day! I was hoping to assess the children over the next couple weeks before introducing writing/reading and phonic adult led activities but my Lit Co is coming to observe a guided writing session (small group) next week I am struggling to think of a suitable activity as I don't know what the children can do yet! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated thanks
Going Home Time
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Home time always seems so stressfull when it should be a nice calm end to the day. With coats, bookbags, water bottles and lunchboxes on top of all their lovely art work. Any fantastic suggesttions to make this time of the day calm for us all?
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Managing Staff And The Outdoor Area
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone! I have never posted on here before so bare with me! I was new to Reception last year and loved it! However I am faced with a few problems this year in terms of setting up the outdoor area and managing it. Last year I had a nursery nurse and a TA so I put the 3 of us on a rota throughout the week to work outside. This seemed to work well. In terms of setting up, our outdoor area is rather large and everything is kept in the shed outside. Due to vandalism we have to put everything away every night and get it all out in the morning. So it takes a while to set everything up and get it all out. We share the area with Y1 and last year they had a lot of support…
Parents Meetings
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi All, I have been trying to think of a way of meeting with Parents individually at the beginning of the year. I am a reception class teacher in a primary school without a Nursery. I have found over the past couple of years that a 5 minute appointment in October is not long enough. This is how the rest of school work it. The parents have so many questions and want to know how their child has settled into their new school. It would also be nice to talk to them about their child's progress and learning journey. I hold a general meeting for parents to remind them of routines and what they can expect from the year - topics, homework, how their child learns…
Toms Midnight Garden Inspiration
by Guest- 9 replies
Hello all We are having a theatre company come into school to perform Toms midnight garden. I have been up since before the birds sing trying to come up with ideas of how to introduce this to my FS/year 1 class. Please can anyone help and inspire me so I can get the grey matter working. Thanks and in hope!
Hamilton Trust
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Folks, Just wondering if anyone uses the mixed aged planning for lit and num from Hamilton Trust. If so what are your thoughts. I teach a mixed Year R/1 class and to be honest I'm getting so fed up of pulling my hair out when planning. Have found these plans on hamilton but wondered what other people thought of them. Lots x
Guided And Individual Readers?
by Guest- 3 replies
Just a quick question, do you here both guided and individual readers every week? I am unsure how to set up my reading because parent's want books changed everyday, but i don't know how i am going to get a chance to do this with guided reading as well? Any advice would be very much appreciated!!! I am in year 1! Thanks in advance
Y1 Targets From Profile Points
by Guest Pebble123- 5 replies
Is it just me who hates all this stuff ? Have had to set targets for our Y1s based on their EYFSP scores So if they scored 6 they are set a target of 1A by the end of Y1 If above that 2C If below 6 1B Also at least 80% must be 1A by the end of the year regardless of their scores Without sounding negative they and we are going to really struggle to achieve this ! I have R/Y1 so have the children for another year. Dont know whether to cry or open the wine !
Second Day Back In Reception!
by Guest- 8 replies
Help! It was my second day back in Reception today after an 8 year break - it all seemed a good idea at the time! Anyway having come from a rather mature Year 1 in July all the things I thought of using to get their attention and had used many years ago don't quite seem to work today - I think I am expecting too much esp as many of them are August birthdays! Everything seems to take ages - going to the toilets - we have one for boys and one for girls, eating snack, lunch, drinking milk, getting coats, putting them on etc. I'm particularly worried as OFSTED are due any day from when they can come - we are over over due so should be at the top of the list! Can some…