Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 0 replies
Hey everyone can anyone give me ideas for a Jungle theme for Mathematics, - already done bee bop, World Around Us- and Language and Literacy I would really really appreciate this all play based ideas and we are currently using the Jungle theme.
Tractor Tyre Sand Pit
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all, We have just had a tractor tyre delivered, which I am hoping to turn into an outdoor sandpit. Does anyone already have one of these and be able suggest how many sacks of sand I will need to fill it? It looks massive! Thanks in advance, Carrots
Nqt Observation-afl
by Guest- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi! This is my first post, so I hope im putting this in the right place etc! I'm an NQT teaching in a reception class. In a couple of weeks im being observed with the main focus being how the children are learning and assessment for learning, and i was wondering if anyone had any ideas. I already use thumbs up thumbs down and have a happy face where the children stick their name on if they understand the work, but i think my mentor wants to concentrate on how they are learning eg did they work in a group, in pairs etc. Im a bit stuck on how to make this fun, i was thinking of maybe making a laminated traking book where they can draw a picture or write what t…
Care Plan/play Plan-sen
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi all, I had a child start nursery this week with severe SEN. We have just received a pile of reports, but no advice/help/guidance. I have never had a child with such global delay in all areas, hence feel a little unsettled - He can't speak, vocalises through noises/screams, can't walk - is crawling, still in nappies and he explores everything through his mouth, then throws objects across the room. He is spoon fed blended food and needs support to drink. He has been encouraged by the EY's SEN team to attend mainstream, which I personally find hard to believe with the developmental stage he is at. He has been allocated 1.5 hours of funding per session, desper…
- 5 replies
After having 4 years of teaching a class of 16 reception and 4 year 1's who have been selected because they would benefit from another year of EYFS I have been told that I will need to keep a greater number of year 1 pupils this September. This is because the key stage 1 class have accumulated a greater cohort than in past years and the general feeling is that it's not fair that I have 20 children whilst they have 30. I am in a major panic, am not sleeping and need advice. I have worked hard to turn reception practice around in the school since I started there and have achieved a 'good with elements of outstanding' from Ofsted two years ago. Since then I have worked …
Space Topic
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Does anyone have any good ideas for PSRN (Calculating and Shape, Space and measures) relating to the topic of Space please?
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Does anyone have the early learning goals broken down or in child friendly language?
- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I am soon to be returning to reception after a long time out being with my family. I always had mixed rec/year 1 classes and it was very much 'adult directed' and a lot of my time would be spent with year 1's guided work as I never had a full time TA. My question is kind of a BIG one. What does a week in reception class look like now? I understand the need for a balance between CIP and AIP/ADP and the need to gather evidence that is 80% CI. Can anyone tell me how they organise their daily routine. There seems so much to fit in! How many guided reading/writing sessions should there be? How do you organise phonics with a whole class. Do you find it …
Talking Tubs
by Guest- 0 replies
Does anyone use Mindstretchers talking tubs and planning mats? If so could you share how you do this and how often etc. Thanks
- 10 replies
just a quick question which i am sure someone can answer! i remeber reading about peoples topic ideas for dinosaurs and digging for fossils/ the children have already CI digging for fossils outside in the soil/ path! i am thinking about setting objects in plaster of paris for the children to excavate but just wondering has anyone done this/ or has a suggestion and what tools did they use/ give the children so they could remove the items from the plaster of paris? thanks in advance Emma x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_32166,