Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hello, Please could you recommend any books to support our observations of well-being and involvement? Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3393, -
- 2 replies
Hi Calling all reception teachers...with the pressures of the new yr1 curriculum that our children face when they move up... How much child initiated time do you give your reception chn? Rough ideas of a typical day would be helpful if you have the time to say? Thanks Jen
Chinese New Year Lesson Observation
by Guest teampink- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi All, As part of my performance management the HT is observing everyone this week focussing on 'Writing and how it's promoted within each area'. Out theme this week is Chinese New Year and I can come up with lots of ideas for mark making within the continuous provision i.e. writing menus, making orders in the Chinese take away role play, writing cards, writing Chinese symbols in painting area/tuff spot. My main problem/stumbling block is thinking of something really 'WOW' to start the lesson and ignite the children's interest and where to take this on to the adult guided task. At the moment my mind is completely blank - I've thought of food tasting but need to incor…
Time capsules
by Guest- 4 replies
One of my boys has a good general knowledge and during a discussion about what we'd like to learn about after the holidays he suggested that we make a time capsule. I asked if he could explain what a time capsule was and he was able to describe one perfectly. I would like to make one with him but am not sure how to fit it into my planning... As it's not the beginning or end of the year and there are no significant celebrations to link it to I'm not sure of how to approach it. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
- 2 replies
Hi all, My brain has totally gone to mush at the moment and I have to plan for an observation with the learning objective of 'to use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences' using a book as a starting point. It is for a class of 30 Reception children and needs to last for 20 minutes, I'm sure I'll think of some ideas but at the moment they are not coming to me! Please help! Any ideas will be very appreciated! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_35577, -
by Guest- 13 replies
Recently i haven't been too well and i had a few days off. My ta has been off longer. Since i have returned to my class they become so wild. They don't listen and they seem not be bothered even when i have used my behaviour management which is pomps in a jar for whole class reward which they choose and individual reward where they have to collect enough coins to win treasure from our treasure box. Nothing is working. They are rowdy and i can't seem to control it except raising my voice for the good part of the day. I feel as if im losing control. What am i doing wrong?Please any advice would be good. Currently i have supply ta and sh is ok but chn don't listen to her eith…
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi all anyone know of any of the proposed providers? I know the Government had not yet released the chosen ones but companies are beginning to do the hard sell. I had an email from GL Assessments (looks really sterile!) and I know Huddersfield Early Excellence centre are proposing one which is non test based and centre on the Leuven scales of emotional well being. Just wondered if anyone had heard any more?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Magic, magic, magic!
by Guest- 4 replies
The children in my class are really into making potions and magic at the moment. Does anyone have any ideas for enhancements throughout continuous provision that I could use? My mind is blank! We've done loads with water. Thanks
- 6 replies
Hi, I need to write an Observation, Assess and Planning Policy and am looking for some pointers please? and Thank you : ))
Interview lesson - please help
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, I have an interview next week for a position and have to teach two sessions. the first is Yr 3/4 which hopefully will be fine given I'm KS2 based, but the other is Reception, which is making me anxious to say the least. I am currently waiting for further info about group sizes, ability, etc, etc so all I have at the moment is: Reception Class - Focus on the development of HFW words (40 minute session) Firstly, a planning template (or what to include in a plan in EYFS) of some sort would be wonderful as would any ideas for the structure/break down of the 40 minute session and possible activities. Essentially, any advice would be brilliant from behaviour manage…