Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 19 replies
Hi, I just wanted to run this by you all, as we are due ofsted and being moderated this year. The children are very settled with this routine,but i have questioned it since having two new children start in the past two weeks and dont seem to be any where near able to do what the majority of my class are doing. 8:55 - 9:20 come in self register then collective worship in class or whole school. 9:20 - 10:20 - adult input whole class, adult directed activities and phonics in 2 groups. 10:20 - 10:45 - fruit and school playtime. 10:45 - 11:45 - adut whole class input and adult directed activities. 11:45 - 1:00 wash hands, story and lunch time. 1 - 1:20 adult in…
Outdoor Role Play
by Guest- 6 replies
We are about to change the role play area outside. We will be asking the children for their ideas and what they would like but I just wanted to ask what is working well in other people's settings.
- 11 replies
Myself and my reception team of 5 classes are currently brainstorming ideas of ways to enhance our provision to enable children to more readily demonstrate and practise calculating skills in a child-initiated way, in order to ensure the 20% / 80% balance for the profile. One of the key areas I often spot children using calculating skills incidentally and not as part of adult directed tasks is through systems, such as the snack bar, how many more children can fit there at the moment etc. - children discussing this amongst themselves. Playing schools is also another good one! I just wondered if you had any particular gems of resources you have continually available, any …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
by Guest- 0 replies
Im sure there is probably a topic already covering this, but cannot find it - sorry Just interested to find out what you do for chns own assessment of their learning? We usually do thumbs up etc at the end and try to do mini plenaries etc. But as I work with focus groups - one at a time - I kind of do my assessment on them as I go. But should I be doing more? We have just been told that everyone should be allowing self assessment constantly throughout the lessons.....................? Was wondering about having faces up and when they need more help, they can move their name onto orange/red etc - but we have so many already = traffic light systems (behaviour) and feeling…
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi can anyone recall if there has been any discussions on a space topic especially for role play. Done a search and it came up with 28 pages but I think the posts are connected to space as in room!!
- 2 replies
My school are having a book week and i was thinking of doing he naught bus with my reception Just wondering if anyone looked at this book before and suggestions of what i could do around the book. I don't wnat to go too much off in a transport direction as we have already done a topic on transport as my boys are train mad. I have already thought about doing bus pictures and making junk model buses and towns, having beans in the tuff tray and the blocks in the buildrrs tray so can make a town like in the book. Number - people waiting at bus stop how mnay can get on bus, making up their own bus adventures and videoing them (we did this with superheroes and they lov…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_32166, -
Phoneme Blending Help
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi - I have a few chn who really struggled with learning initial phonemes, but with a little 1:1 and parental support they now recognize the initial 26 sounds and a few digraphs such as sh, ch, th, qu, but they still have real difficulty blending even simple CVC words such as cat, peg, dog. Any ideas how to help them. A few can identify initial sounds of words but the other 2 still struggle with that so will focus on that for the time being. But for the ones hearing initial sounds I feel I'm not targeting the underlying difficulty or them as the blending is becomming a stumbling block for them and I don't want them to lose confidence as they have done remarkably well …
Help! Rapunzel Ideas....
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi everyone We are currently trying to plan from the children's interest...the past few weeks a large number of children have been role playing 'Rapunzel' or should I say 'Tangled' - both boys and girls have been really involved! We decided to go with this - after the half term - and will probably go along the fairy / traditional tale route to begin and see where the children take us. Sat down to do my planning and I am having a brain freeze - has anybody got any great ideas relating to Rapunzel?? Thanks in advance!!!
- 8 replies
Hi everyone. Really interested to hear your views on PE in Reception. Do you still have weekly whole class formal PE lessons, or provide for Physical development in planned and resourced CP areas, or a mixture of the two? Feel I need to overhaul my provision but not sure which route to take. Thanks. Annette
- 5 replies
Hello does anyone have the book 'Anna's amazing multicoloured glasses'. I have misplaced it and it is unavailble everywhere. If anyone has it and could scan it and send it to me I would be forever greatful. It is a Pelican big book. Thanks G
Last reply by Steve,