Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 2 replies
Hi folks I am in nursery and about to deliver a presentation on stages of writing development to parents (in the morning). ALthough they have a handout with samples on I am just tinkering with the powerpoint and thought I could find some samples on the internet. However, I can't seem to locate any. I have the first 4 stages (1. random marks (scribble) 2. writing at speed across the page, 3. lines, squiggles and symbols 4. Beginning to write recognisable letters) but not for stage 5. Sound symbol correlation stage 6. Inventive spelling and finally stage 7. writing contains conventional spelling patterns. Does anyone have a children's work at home that they could scan…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
Superhero Writing
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I thought that I would post my question on this forum as in the past everyone has been so helpful. Next week we are planning for the children's interests and they have chosen superheroes as a topic. Today I was told that I have a HT observation next week and the focus is on writing so I was wondering if anyone had any wow ideas for a lesson please? Really struggling! Thanks xxx
Journeys Planning
by Guest laura286- 4 replies
Hi all, I am being super keen on a Saturday afternoon and trying to get my planning done for next term. Have decided on the topic Journeys, however I have never taught this before so looking for some brilliant ideas to get me started? Laura
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Help With Improving Reading Skills
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi Can anyone please give me some advice! I am being critised by my Head because my Reception class reading results are the worst the school has ever had and I don't know how to improve them. This is my second year of teaching and I have taught the children exactly as I did last year - Jolly Phonics for the Autumn term and now moving on with Letters and sounds. We use the Oxford Reading Tree reading scheme which is really out dated and doesn't really relate to the phonics we are teaching the children. I have an added problem that I have the summer born year ones who have to follow the literacy framework so I have very little time to actually teach reading to the Recep…
Development Fears Over Half Of English Five-year-olds
by Guest LornaW- 10 replies
Woke up to hear this conversation on radio 4 and I had read somewhere that the EYFS review was suggesting cuts in the 6 areas to PSE, CLL and PD. This report coming out now seems to defend this idea. I am sure we could all have told the government that the difference between the have's and the have nots has a detrimental effect on outcomes for them way into later life!!! It is an interesting article none the less Lorna
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
Downs Syndrome
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Please can anyone help I have a Downs Syndrome girl in my mixed Reception /Y1 class. She has settled into the school routine but is making very little progress academically. Does anyone have any ideas that might help her particularly wuth reading? Thanks Julescc x
Deconstructed Role Play
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi I have been reading alot lately about deconstructed role play. I have always had my role play area so perfect with all the resources available for the children to use and all the labels printed and laminated from Sparklebox!!!!! I really like the idea of the deconstructed role play area and can see all the benefits for the children. I was just wondering if anyone had tried it out and how they found it - did the children respond well?? is it easy to manage?? etc Looking forward to reading all the responses
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7356, -
Writing Observation
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all, I was wondering if anybody had any good ideas for a writing lesson I am being observed for. My learning objective is to use phonics to write. x
- 4 replies
This is a long shot but you never know... I wondering to help reinforce my phonics that when i read a story at the end of the day i thought about linking it to whatever grapheme i had done that day in phonics or even using that story in phonics and play sound dectectives. Just trying to think of ways to make phonics less repeatative so was wondering if anyone knew or had a list of stories/ poems/ ryhmes that contain the sounds in phase 3 or anyone suggest a book so i can compile a list (ch, sh, ng, th, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er) so far have come up with some are very loose fitting!: cvc words: cat in the hat ng sing a song o…
Pgce Observation
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi All, I have my final placement observation next week for my PGCE and need to do an interesting Chinese New Year activity with my reception class. I have free reign in any area of learning but have totally run out of original ideas and head is spinning. I am being observed for a 20 min lesson and although I know this is not the way it should be in Rec, I am in a placement so I have to play the game. Anyone have any ideas as feeling TOTALLY frazzled :-) Thanks xx