Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hi all. My student is doing a topic on chinese new year. She has some good ideas for the areas but needs a focused group activity (about 6 kids). She is being observed on this. Any ideas would be greatfully received.
- 2 replies
Hi All I am just about to re-enter all our reception baseline data (Autumn One) and Autumn two data into target tracker. Won't go into the reasons but it all went wrong and now we need to redo it. The dilemma I have is, do I .... 1. Enter just the scale points achieved, even though we are not supposed to do this until the end of the year but many of us have to anyway. OR 2. Enter the development matters achieved (and any relevant scale points) Which will take much much longer but will tell me more when it comes to analysing data. And is more along the lines of what we are supposed to be doing anyway. Anyone shed any light on this dilemma?
Addition - A Really 'wow' Starter
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all, I hope I have posted this is the right place - I'm new to the forum but think it's fab! Wondered if any of you lovely people had a really 'wow' idea for an observation. My topic is Dinosaurs, and my lesson is on addition. My group activity will be using the small world dinos and tray to do some practical addition, moving the dinos across the river one by one and having a go at doing the number sentences practically and then having go at writing them. In my other areas I have another focus activity with TA - making dino skeletons wth art straws (estimating length, vocab longer, shorter etc), outdoor I have the skittles and dominoes, and finding …
- 1 reply
Hi Guys Can you please help me? I am getting confused about teacher initiated activities. What exactly does it mean and how do people do it? Also do you make it link with your teacher directed learning intention??
Dinosuar Topic For Fs/ 1 And 2 Class
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello, This is my first post on here so hope I've managed to do it correctly! I'm currently teaching a FS, 1 and 2 class and hoping to do a topic on dinosaurs, the problem is I'm unsure how to link history in with KUW activities so I can try and meet the NC objectives. I've got all other areas sorted out but I'd be grateful for any ideas or plans so I could try and get my head around it all. Thank you
People Who Help Us- Ideas Please?
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello, Next week the children will be looking at the role of a Policeman/ part of the topic 'People who help us' I have found some lovely ideas for cll, psrn and kuw but am really struggling with Physical Development, Creative Development and PSED------I was thinking of doing right and wrong? Any ideas for these areas are really appreciated e.g. any games I could play for PD......AND could I make anything for CD?? Thank you much appreciated Sar x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
Physical Activities
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi,im new to this and I'm not sure whether this has already been posted but i'm really struggling to do a display that represents physical development. Any Ideas would be great
Story About A Message In A Bottle
by Guest- 3 replies
I want to have some bottles in the water tray and paper etc for the children to write messages Does anyone know of a story that includes messages in bottles or have any ideas how to introduce this to the class? I was thinking about putting a bottle in the water for the children to discover then read the message from a mermaid or pirate and the children could write back Does this sound ok?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Afl In Reception Class
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi I wonder if anyone is doing AFL (Shirley Clark methods) in their Reception class. I have a mixed reception/Year 1 class (only the 7 summer born Y1s) and my Head wants me to use the Shirley Clark AFL methods in my class. I can see how it works really well in the other classes and would be perfect for my Year 1s but I just can't see a way of talk partners/self assesssment etc working with reception. The only way I can see it working is to have more formal teaching and have the Year 1s helping the YRs with their learning which is not what EYFS requires! HELP! Thanks Julescc x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4869, -
- 8 replies
Hi, Wonder if anyone can sitting here planning, trying to come up with some exciting and meaningful ways of teaching children to " Find the total number of items in two groups by counting all of them." I need some ideas for small group focussed time/adult led activities...if anyone has anythign that might start me thinking in the right way please suggest! My mind isnt workingvery well at the minute haha and i feel very uninspired! Thanks everyone! ooh forgot to say im FS2 reception
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228,