Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
- 31 replies
Hi, i just can seem to totally grasp the idea of this and could do with some advice if possible. So in our setting (Reception unit) we are to plan/teach mostly based on childrens interests but have a long term topic of seasons if we get stuck for ideas etc. In theory i love the idea of child led teaching but i worried that in reality im flitting from one topic to another without covering in depth as you would with say a 6 week topic on 'baby animals'. If you have time could you help me with the following (or just some of them)... How do you all find this and manage it in your classroom? How do you get the ideas without always asking (we are told not to ask but t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Planning In Reception
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi I am new to the FSF - and also new to teaching in Reception! I have been teaching for 6 years but previously have taught in KS2 and feel really out of my depth. Is there anywhere where I can see other teacher's plans or ideas - I have lots of ideas about what I want to do but am not sure how much detail I need to put in the planning. Shjould I have a separate sheet for continuous provision? Should I plan number work and phonics discretely? When teaching in KS2 I planned very much on a 'mind map' basis - it was quite organic and I added things as the children's ideas took off - is that ok to do in reception too - but should I be writing in the objectives…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 8 replies
Hi all. We changed our letters and sounds planning this year and have moved at a much quicker pace. Two thirds of the class are working within phase 3. The children I need to focus on are the ones on phase 2. All are recognising some of the sounds and progressing steadily (except one). Some are eal. I wonder what to do with these, keep plodding, extra games? Has anyone any ideas. Why have they not picked them up as quick??? I have a small group (12) with these children in and those early on phase 3 that benefit from repetition . Has anyone any ideas how to manage this i.e. phase 2 and 3 together. I have a distinct 20 minute slot each day! Also one eal boy …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401, -
Analysis Of Fs Data
by Guest- 2 replies
My head has just e-mailed me a long list of points that I need to now cover in the analysis of the FS data courtesy of our new SIP. At present we go throught the data regularly and highlight areas of weakness and look for 'gaps' in areas of learning and for individual children. We use this to inform our planning and to target specific children and groups of children. We also look for trends in gender and age. At the end of the year we write a report of any overall trends, areas of weakness and strength. We use eye profile to print off graphs. I would be interested to hear what others produce. Many Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Magic Carpet Ideas
by Guest- 5 replies
Thinking about the children's interests for the start of next term. Lots of my class are interested in aeroplanes and magic and flying so I was thinking about a magic carpet. Has anyone done this or got any great ideas? Many thanks
Ordinal Numbers
by Guest- 2 replies
Really need some inspiration. I have just planned a series of adult led jobs for the first week back about Christmas day recounts. I am going to trial Pie Corbett's model of giving them an easy structure to imitate. So when it come to thinking of PSRN activties I thought oridnal numbers would fit well and I know my children are awful at it! I just cannot think of a way of making it fun and meaningful. I would love to hear your ideas XX
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 4 replies
Hi there, I'm seeking help from those in the know about KS1 assessment relating to average points scores. I have recently taken on the role as assessment coordinator for KS1. Every term, teachers assess their children against NC levels which I input into a computer programme which automatically translates into points and this is used to track progress over the year. I have just got the year 1 data for the end of the Autumn term - this is the first time that they have been assessed against NC levels (as still been using EYFSP until now) so this data is crucial for on entry data for KS1. Hope I'm making sense so far... So a Wc is given a value of 1 point, Wb a value…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
Letters And Sounds/synthetic Phonics 1 2
by Guest- 47 replies
I'm preschool, but I hope you don't mind me posting in your reception forum (I used to be a reception teacher many years back and my own daughter is now in reception.) I've just been doing some reading about the whole letters & sounds and synthetic phonics approach. From what I can gather, teachers are now encouraged to stop children from recognising words by sight. Would that be a correct assumption or am I misreading the guidance? The reason I ask is that my daughter is picking up reading really, really quickly. But I can already tell that she is using a mix of the phonics based approach she's been taught in class, backed up heavily by the sense that she …
Wow Certificates
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all, I am new to this forum, recently joined the other day. I have been doing supply for a while now but I am about to start a job-share in reception in the New Year I love the idea of the wow certificates you send home to parents, just wondering where you get these from or if its just a case of making your own in word? Thanks so much!! Rachel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 10 replies
Hi, I realize this is a busy time of year, but as I am retiring after Christmas after a almost lifetime in teaching I thought about sharing my experience and ideas.I would love to offer training to other settings. Does anyone have any ideas about where I could advertise? Are there any other members doing this sort of thing? My main areas of interest are in Outdoor Play, Sensory Ideas and all areas of Creative Development. with all ages and stages of the Foundation stage. I also have pleaty of training experience. Would love some feedback. Thanks Sunshine
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,