Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Book Ideas For Talk For Writing
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all I am a reception teacher soon to be introducing talk for writing into my class (after xmas) I will be doing the traditional stories as suggested by Pi in his book namely little red hen, gingerbread man, enormous turnip and Blly goat's gruff for the spring term and will make my topic for the term 'once upon a time'. In the summer term I want to move away from the traditional stories and find books to suit the topics I usually do which are space, under the sea and super heros but am struggling to think of good stories which have a strong repetitive structure which can be altered by the children. I would be very interested to hear of any stories anyone has used othe…
Literacy Planning
by Guest- 2 replies
How do you teach your literacy in Reception? What is your daily planning like? Would really appreciate it if anyone wouldn't mind showing me their weekly, daily etc plans for Literacy? Thanks so much
Child Initiated Medium Term Planner
by Guest- 7 replies
Following my posts about child initiated planning, a couple of people have messaged me to ask for a copy. I have now posted it here under the 'planning' post. It is in a word format (2003 and 2010).It is not there as the 'ultimate' planning format - it is just something that might be useful. It is in 'Word' so that you can tailor it to your own needs. Hope you find it useful! Alistair PS Have also posted an outdoor plan and coming soon are some environmnet trackers and point of entry assessment ideas...will I ever sleep again?
Bonfire Night
by Guest- 9 replies
Hello folks, I am being observed next week for cll. We are 'doing' fireworks (after the event so theyll have had some direct experience of them to draw upon). BUT i have lost my mojo and can't think of an inspirational idea to get them writing. Initially, I thought we would watch a video on espresso and then complete as a class a 'big book' on espresso using the children's ideas for words, modelling how to segment and write the words. Next, I thought we could write group poems with the children supplying their own written words related to what they see and hear. While very worthy, its a bit boring! Some are very reluctant to mark make. I think I need to cran…
Alien Tea Party
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi I am looking at the book Come to Tea on Planet Zum-Zee with the children next week and i was wondering if anyone had any ideas about the sorts of "food and drink" i could make with the children. I have seen in another post an idea of using blue spaghetti with ping-pong balls in for eyes, which i think is a great idea and i will certainly use that one - thank you, but i am struggling to think what else to do!! Thanks for any ideas in advance
Child Initiated Learning
by Guest- 9 replies
Can we talk and C-I-L please? Am not sure we are doing it right at school! How do you work this in your Reception class please? We have 3 tables in the classroom which we lay different activities out on everyday. We don't much to choose from though, I lay out things like: Unifix cubes Linking elephants puzzles Colouring sheets compare bears beads and threading books cars we have other things in the room they can play with such as the train set, dolls house, home corner etc. Though it just feels like we are putting out similar things all the time and the children generally choose to colour, play in the home corner, on the computer or outside. …
Castle Role Play - Banquet Food
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi I've just set up a castle role play and would appreciate any ideas anyone has particularly for outside. I also want to hjave a banquet so any food ideas pleas. Thanks Julescc xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 2 replies
Hello all !! A little background. I work in a British International School outside of the UK (dragged here by my husband ) which goes from Foundations Stage 1 to IB. I am in the Nursery I am desperately trying to push for the "Learning Journey" document to replace a computer generated bank statement type end of year report which we currently give to unsuspecting parents. I have seen last year's reports which state things like :"Oscar listens and responds. Oscar seeks and delights in new experiences".... etc. It basically is a blow by blow run through of the ELG's with no depth. SMT love the idea - BUT are worried that parent's will expect the same from Fou…
Target Sheets/next Steps For Parents
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone We have parents meetings this week and I want to provide them with a parent friendly 'next steps' sheet to give them. Has anyone any successful suggestions that they have already used? Brownie
- 3 replies
Can anyone help? I am in a panic about this visit on Friday and was thinking of talking to the children tomorrow about bonfire night/fireworks and seeing if this would excite them as a mini topic - maybe leading to Divali the week after. Before half term they were very into making rockets in our workshop so I thought this would be good to build on. I have found lots of lovely ideas on this forum but I am not sure what to do on Friday. I thought I could turn the workshop into a firework factory. Numbers and calculating were weaker last year so thought maybe the adult led activity could focus on this but as it is a Friday I want to really grab the children's attention …