Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Qa Checks For Profile Points
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi hope someone can help explain this link for me. According to the QA check LCT point 4 links with CD point 8 and KU point 8. I can at a push see the link with creative development but not KU. At a recent cluster meeting i asked the early years advisor to clarify this for me, her response was; she would have to look into it as she wasn't sure herself. As anyone else come across any links they're unsure about?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Any Ideas For Castle Theme?
by Guest- 9 replies
Does anyone have any ideas for a Castle theme? All suggestions welcome!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7441, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I was wondering if anybody could help me! I am teaching a combined Nursery and Reception class (3-5) and have some very different abilities when it comes to Letters and Sounds. I have 2 Reception Children who are on reading books and fairly fluent but need work on writing, have a group of 6 children (mainly reception but one nursery) who are in phase 2 and on about the 3rd set of letters but need work on blending and segmenting. I have one reception child who knows 's' 'a' and 't' and 2 nursery children who are very young and can do 's' but i would like to do phase one activities with them also. So 11 children in total (so I have no TA in the morning) and I…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
Psrn Lesson Obs - Planning A Picnic!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello! I'm new to FSF, so am hoping I do this right! I have a lesson obs coming up after half term for PSRN and am going to be focusing on calculation as this was an area for concern last year with the previous teacher (so no pressure there then!) I would like the lesson to be linked to our topic and that week we will be going to the moon (the story will be 'Whatever Next'). I was going to use the story as an intro and explain that we have been invited by the characters to go and have a picnic on the moon and it was our job to organise it. I want to incorporate lots of counting and practical activities (how many sandwiches will we need to take etc) and for my h…
Retrospective Planning
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all, I have been looking at my planning this week, as I have been thinking lately that a lot of what I plan doesn't happen, but lots of other things take place that don't always get recorded. I am thinking of changing some of my plans to retrospective ones. I wondered if any other Reception teachers do this and have any examples they could share? I have been going round in circles trying to find a good way of recording it myself! Thanks, Kathryn
- 13 replies
Ahhh I'm getting so mad with myself....theres so much to do and its taking forever. I have done my planning for next week which has taken two days and its driving me crazy and its still not spot on. MAy sisters have gone out for as wakl with friends that have come down to visit us, asnd im still sat infront of the computer, getting nwhere fast. 1ST of all, ive got some brill video evidence of chn sorting, den making etc done in child initiated play, i am now thinkng needs some sort of written description of whast they did....possible next steps etc.......What an absolute nitemare. I have about 17 videos of chn. to write all of them up will take forever. H…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
Year R/1 Timetable
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi Everyone, I have got a class of 19 year r's and 11 year 1's in september. I am hoping to change the way I do things and go back to more child led planning but I am worried about making sure all the obj for Year 1 are covered too. Has anyone got a general timetable I could look at to see how they plan their week and how they balance everything. Any samples of what your planning looks like would be great too. Many thanks - from a very confused Lots
Mark Making
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anybody know of a document (or any other suggestions) that gives examples of childrens marks and gives names to them? I am looking at mark maing for my dissertation and would like to 'analyse' some of the mark making. Thanks
- 7 replies
Hi, I've got a lesson observation on Tuesday, which like normal means I've got myself worked up about it!! I was awake since about 2.30AM this morning worrying about what I was going to do, and managed to come up with an idea laying in bed (which meant I couldn't get back to sleep until gone 5-DOH!!). Anyway I'd appreciate your ideas and suggestions on it please... I based it on a post I saw by TesTwinkles ( ) but have changed it slightly to suit my topic (dinosaurs) and cater it for my FS, Yr1 and 2 class. INPUT First of all we'll find a box on my chair and discuss what it could be (heavy/light e…
Remembrance Day
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi, Need to do a lesson plan for Remembrance Day for a reception class. I have an activity in mind but I am unsure at how to approach the background behind the poppy. I am a student teacher and I am being observed. Any advice will be appreciated. Net x