Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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by Guest- 3 replies
Hi can I ask what schools currently do to improve PSED scores. We do Circle Time SEAL Puppet activities Story books
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
Fairground Topic
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi All I'm new(ish) here and launching right in with a plea for help I'm afraid. I've been googling for ages and am coming up with very little for a fairground topic (R/Y1). I'm hoping to engage some of our traveller children and it seemed like it could be a great topic, soooo...... Any ideas?? Stories, poems, planning, activities anything really, the internet has left me feeling less than inspired Thanks in advance, Clotho
- 10 replies
I have an interview coming up and am having that horrible panic when you try and plan something and aren't sure what to do for the best. I have to plan a 30 minute teaching activity with a class of 30 mixed reception/yr 1 in a FS-style unit. No TA. I can do anything I like (much harder than having an area to plan within!). I have been told there are some SEN and boisterous children in the group. my thinking is, 30 minutes - I need something active! I have time to set things up, but I don't know how long. I've considered looking at numeracy and doing 2D / 3D shape, or science/kuw and something like drawing round someone and naming and labelling body parts, b…
Creative And Investiagtion Areas
by Guest- 2 replies
hi, i was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for the creative area and investigation area they could pass on? Not long til half term guys...four more sleeps
Ourselves Planning Ideas
by Guest laura286- 8 replies
Hi all, We are doing the topic ourselves, and the children have asked to learn about when they were babies, how they grew up and their families. I have asked parents to bring in a photo of them when they were a baby, and have a mother and baby coming in to talk to us at the end of the week, but have run out of ideas!! Desperately need some literacy based ideas, have already covered discussing things they can do now they are 4 and writing a short I can sentence for it, but cannot think of anything related to babies, growing up or families?? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, and would stop me from planning ALL weekend! Thanks, Laura
- 2 replies
Hello I have another interview coming up for a reception teacher. I have been asked to look at the reading aspect of the FSP and plan a lesson for 30mins max for 10 children. I was thinking maybe reading a story and having the end page blank. I could ask the children what part of the story is missing? We will discuss the type off book, title, author etc as I am reading. The children could then work with partners or in groups and come up with an alternative ending (in case they know the story I choose). If anyone has any better ideas they would be much appreciated! Thanks
Lesson Observation
by Guest- 2 replies
I have a lesson ob next week - the focus across the school is calculation. At this early stage (have just finished initial assessments) it will have to be pretty simple - either one more, or adding two sets to find total. Struggling to think of anything exciting - and I know everyone else will be doing all singing all dancing lessons. My class range from children who can't get three objects, to some who are reasonably reliable at counting to 10 and can recognise numbers to 10. Initial thoughts include making playdough buns and adding one more - maybe rolling a spot dice to decide how many to make initially. Playing skittles, knock some down and then roll again a…
Outdoor Provision
by Guest- 1 reply
hi all, i have been asked to do a continuous provision plan for an outdoor junkyard?? I am feeling a bit mind boggled has anyone got any outdoor plans they could show me or point me in right direction for them? thanks
Letters And Sounds Assessment
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all, I was wondering if you could help me with a quick question? Our school is just beginning to use Letters and Sounds in Year One and Two. At the moment the teachers are assessing the children to see which phase they should be on. Some of the teachers seem to be asking the children to write the tricky words as part of the assessment. I always thought the assessment was just on grapheme recognition and ability to read and blend words, not to write them? (This is what we do in Reception). Many thanks, Carrots x
Ta Cover
by Guest- 5 replies
Sorry if this is a question which has been answered before - I thought i knew the answer - but a converstaion today has made me question myself!!! Can 2 TA's be asked to cover for a teacher in a Rec class???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,