Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 9 replies
Hi there, After quite a few years in years 1 and 2 I'm new to Reception. I've heard different teachers say different things about introducing phase 2 of letters and sounds. What would you advise, do you introduce all of the letter sounds first quickly, then go back over them and introduce the handwriting of the letters afterwards, or do you do it all in one go more slowly? Thanks! xx
Advice Needed Please Xx
by Guest- 5 replies
hi all, i am a reception teacher and have a little boy in my class who has come to us working at 22months. he has a one-to-one support. i was wondering if anyone had been in this situation before and how you dealt with it. at the moment he can only cope with 2 hours a day. when he comes in he sits for register and that's all he can cope with. obviously i then need to teach the other children and the one-to0one works with him. do i plan a literacy and numeracy activity daily and then let him play? i have done listening groups with him but he can only focus for 5 mins and is constantly distracted or tries to distract others during this . any advice would be appreciated …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30147, -
People Who Help Us
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi i am looking for inspiration!!!! Our topic at the moment in a mixed Reception and Year 1 class is People who help us. I have a lesson observation next week by the headteacher who has told me he is looking for outstanding teaching and learning and something inspirational and memorable for the children - he doesnt want much!!!!!! Any ideas would be gratefully recieved as i am feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed about the whole thing!!!
Last reply by Helen, -
Suitable Outdoor Wear
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi - Want to run an idea by you all before I go with it. I'm a believer children should be out in all weathers. Often children are still coming to school w/o wellies, outdoor waterproof coat. Have sent reminders to parents but it doesn't sink in with some. And, as a working mum myself I know you sometimes mean to get new wellies etc sorted in the weekend but it doesn't happen. Talking to my colleague I had the idea of photocopying a standard message. It wouold have a picture of a sad girl/boy or face, with a speech bubble with the words, Mummy, I wanted to go outside today in the rain but I didn't have my wellies/coat.... or, Mummy I wanted to play in the mud…
Transition Between Activities
by Guest- 2 replies
At the moment I have a focussed activity at the beginning of the day and one straight after lunch. They are working really well but I find that about 10 children seem to finish their activity before the rest of the class. At the moment they go and collect a book from the box to look at for 5 minutes while the rest of the class finish. Last year this worked really well but this class seem to spend the time chasing each other or walking over the books on the floor. Any ideas of a system or activity I could set up that the children could do/follow while they wait for the others to finish? Thanks
Challenge In Continuous Provision
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all I figure that the things that I get asked about most when I am out supporting schools will also be the things that are frustrating you! This week I have been mostly helping with how to provide challenge in continuous provision. I have posted my ideas here. Hope they help. Alistair
Thanking God For Our Food
by Guest- 6 replies
I am teaching "thanking God for our food" next week. Would love some ideas for both carpet time and activities we could do!
Nqt In Need Of Advice Please
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi all! This could be quite a long one but I would really appreciated any help and advice please- I have 14 reception children and 6 year 1's in my class- these are in my class as it was felt that these children would benefit from having another year doing EYFS as opposed to going into the Year 1/year 2 class. I have 1 full time TA. My problem is that I am really struggling with getting the balance of CI play and adult led activities right, whilst also ensuring my Year 1's are getting the teaching they need. This is particulary the case in the mornings as I feel that there is just not enough time to do everything. Currently my day is as follows: 8.45- 9.00- …
Camera/taking Photos Topic
by Guest- 1 follower
- 9 replies
My class are really interested in using the camera and taking photos and I wondered about doing a mini topic - maybe producing a class book of their photos. Has anyone done this or got any ideas? Thanks Tam
Outdoor Supervision
by Guest- 6 replies
In our Reception Class, access to the playground is via a path and a long set of steps, so free flow is unfortunately not really possible . We have attempted to allow the children free access to a small covered outdoor area just outside the classroom door, where we have a large water tray and an area to set up small world figures. We have clearly delineated the area and keep the classroom door and windows open, so the children are audible and mostly visible - they also police each other's activities very enthusiastically! One end of the path has a locked gate, the other end winds around the school buildings, ending eventually in the Junior playground. We don't have enoug…