Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
by Guest- 9 replies
I need some help. I went on a course a couple of weeks before term ended and they were talking about children in Reception class going to assemblies, having certain playtimes and having set P.E lessons. Their view was that all were not necessary and stop the children having uninterrupted CI activity time. I was in favour of what they were saying and they mentioned that there was some information on the DCSF website which backed up their argument. I am hoping to cut down on the number of assemblies we attend (currently 4 a week) and some of the set playtimes but my Head will need to see some information before she agrees. Does anyone know of anything that I can…
- 6 replies
Is there anyone out there who can help me? Am about to throw my lap top out the window I feel SO MADDDDDDD. Am trying to watch videos on teachers TV as recommended by you guys but it's stop start stop start stop start stop. spent ALL morning trying to sort it. checked updates. downloaded latest flash thingy. what am i doing wrong? can't see any green or red little lines going across when it's buffering. just play, pause and then deep frustration. help help HELP
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664, -
Behaviour 'boards' To Inspire...
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had some good ideas about managing behaviour in Reception. I know that well resourced areas and thoughtful planning of childrens interests will minimize behavioural problems but I really want to get the message right from day 1 in september. I did see a post here a while ago which talked about using shiny things and CDs. I think the children built up a collection of shiny things with their good behaviour which they stuck on thier CDs on the wall...does this sound like im crazy? or does anyone know what im talking about?!!! any other ideas would be fab...I really wanted something that would be interesting and a bit diff…
- 7 replies
Hi, My question is just as the tiel says. Do you have a set way of doing it or certain activities you have out over the first week? I have only done 2 terms in Reception and have not done a 'start' yet. I only know that when I arrived in my current position the on entry assessment was very inadequate. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
- 3 replies
Hi all, Would love feedback on our reception timetable and set-up for first term. We're a 3-form entry school with am and pm nursery. The 3 main reception classes have the main resources for CLL, PSRN and KUW and we have a spare classroom for CD. I'm trying to get the balance of CI activities and adult-led/focused activities right. We have 3 reception classes with 6 adults. There are also 2 additional adults in Nursery and 2x p/t staff to cover PPA and family groups. Group learning is as playful as possible - I keep having to keep at the back of my mind that phonics isn't play, story time isn't play and adult-led singing isn't play! In free-flow, children can go out…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31880, -
Adult Led
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, I am just looking at updating my planning/timetable for Sept. I have only done 2 terms in Reception and although I know exactly what I want to do with some things I am still a little muddled about medium term planning and adult led activities. Medium Term: I have seen loads of different formats some very detailed and some very sparce. I think my confusion is how do you do a medium term plan if you are following CI planning. I was thinking about having a couple of weeks based on Myself and then have an overarching topic of Autumn until half term. then I was going to do mini topics based on children's interests within this i.e. couple of days on car wash or hai…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
- 11 replies
Hi All Just wanted some advice..... As of September we will have 3 reception classes. When all the children have settled and we have established current interests should each class follow the individual interests of their class or should we all have the same theme? 2 classes are in a shared area and will hopefully work well together, myself and an NQT. The 3rd class is in a separate part of the school with a teacher who prefers to do things her way and teach the same old topics year after year (Don't think I'm ever going to crack that problem!). Our parents are quite competitive and not sure how they would react to different themes in different classes as they may …
Mixing Colours Using Water And Oil
by Guest- 2 replies
Long ago I was in reception and had a selection of plastic transparent bottles. I filled them half with coloured water and half with coloured oil and sealed the lid. The oil and water separated to show 2 colours but when shaken the solutions mixed and formed the new colour. In time the liquids separated again. Does anyone know how to colour the oil so that it doesnt bleed into the water? Many thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Any Ideas?
by Guest- 11 replies
Just a quick one. Any ideas for a topic to do instead of famous people? My colleague is doing this topic and she has Year 1/2. I have the remaining Year 1's and R's but feel famous people might be a little tricky. My EY advisor frowned when I told her what the topic was. Already doing People who help us so need to think of something differnt but still close with next door's topic. Lots x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
Literacy Long Term Plan
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi everyone, Just wondering if someone would be willing to share what their long term plan looks like for literacy for a year R/1 class.