Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Challenge For Parents - Any Ideas?
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi everyone! I've got the annual parent's meeting this week for the new intake of reception children. Last years format was quite formal - a powerpoint and talk. The parent's also had a chance to look round all the areas in the classroom although not many chose to do this. I was hoping this year to make the meeting more relaxed and informal. I've got a few video clips of children demonstrating CI learning but I was hoping to make the session more interactive - getting the parent's to see how being the leader of their learning is so beneficial and also showing them how to support their child at home. However I have no idea how to do this? I was thinking about sett…
Effective Planning
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I just wanted some feedback on my planning which yet again I am evaluating ready for next year and making small changes to improve my practise. This year my planning I have found is too structured, so much so that I have no time to sit with the children in the continuous provision as I was either doing reading, phonics, guided writing or guided reading. I also had a CLL and PSRN input everyday followed by one group guided writing or working in a small group with me whilst the rest access CI. Now this does work but is very fast paced and during playtimes I was finding I had not enough time to prepare for my next carpet time e.g. for psrn. After reading through…
Transition Into Year 1
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi I am trying to formulate a list of vital info to pass on to year 1 - can anyone add Discussion of profile scores Looking at scores under 78 and over 90 Any scores less than 6 in CLLD and PSED Interests of class Gender differences in profile areas Medical issues SEN - IEP Gifted and Talented Discussion around organisation of day and room indoor and outdoor Use of visits to new teacher and classroom Introduction to different TA staff
Making Maths Fun!
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi I am teaching numbers tomorrow to my nursery in welsh (the welsh bit however isnt important) as its nearly end of term and lovely weather im looking to make it fun! does anybody have ne ideas for doing it? indoors or out? xx
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, I have finally decided on my topic for my dissertation: How gender is manifested through play of young children in Early Years. I am just wondering if any of you have any thoughts on this issue? Do you find that children play in same sex groups?, Choose 'stereotypical' games - ie girls dolls, boys cars etc? Any comments would be gratefully received! Also if anyone knows of any good source of literature on the topic it would be most useful! Thank you Nat
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5970, -
- 9 replies
Not big furniture type items; but cutlery, crockery, dolls. Do you put out everyhting you have? Do you have a specific number of pans/plates/cups? Particularly --- how many dolls do you have out a time? Do you also have a phone, a calculator, a diary, etc etc I feel that ours is 'over stocked' and it is hindering the play but just wanted some other points of view. Thank you.
- 25 replies
i currently work in a pre school setting and use this site to help me in my work place and with my studying . but today i need help on a personnel matter . my son has been in reception since jan 2010 due to 2 intakes from school. on the 26th of may i was informed as he is in a reception class of 33 (due to 6 appeals being accepted by the local area education office). only 30 children would be going up into year 1 .the youngest 3 of which my son is one off, will remain in reception for a further year and then go into year 1 next year then rejoin his original class in year 3 missing out year 2. alarm bells are ringing for me for so many reasons. please can any reception…
Interview Activity Help
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi everyone! Just wondered if I could pick your fantastic brains! I have an interview on tuesday for a nursery teacher position and as part of the interview I will be observed doing an activity of my choice with a group of 8 children. I currently teach in a pre~school but my mind has gone blank! If anyone has done some great/successful activities and would like to share it would be much appreciated! I'm really nervous! I did think about doing a music related activity where the children take turns to pick an instrument, name it and play it?? Thank you
World Cup
by Guest- 4 replies
Just wondering if anyone has any good ideas for a world cup topic. My country is Algeria! Help!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello Everyone, I wondered if anyone had any exciting ideas for a child-led theme based around robots. The children have come up with a few of their own ideas but I would appreciate it if anyone has a topic web or session plans they wouldn't mind sharing. Thank you so much for your help Boogie x