Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Reports Question
by Guest Pebble123- 5 replies
Its the dreaded report writing time again, they take so long ! My question is do you think it is appropriate to put that a child is working at above, below or at the expected level for the 6 areas-a score of 6 being 'average' . This is what i have to do and I feel uneasy about it, the children are still so young and change so quickly and I feel we are labelling them. What do you think ?
- 1 reply
Hi I am currently beginning to put packs together for my new intake to Reception. We have an open evening at the end of the month so trying to get it all done. We currently put a large picture of a smiley face in the pack to find out about children's likes and dislikes. Would like to do something a bit different this year and was thinking along the lines of: I am proud of my child because... My child is special because ... Am currently trying to think of ways it can be displayed on paper so it can be filled in by parents and children but my mind is blank. Please help! Emma
Presentation For New Parents
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Can anyone help please. I have to do a presentation to new parents and wonder if anyone has any presentations that they have used to tell parents about what to expect in the reception class. Thanks julescc272
- 3 replies
I am in the process of arranging to visit some of the nurseries and pre-schools I have children joining from in september. Most children are at our pre-school and we have lots of visits set up. But for the few other children I will be going to meet them at nursery. Last year I spent time looking through their learning journals and chatting to their key person but didn't do anything formal with this. Does anyone go through the development matters or anything to find out exactly where the children are? Just really want to develop my on entry assessments. Thanks! K x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Confused And Stressed - Please Help
by Guest Cathryn1974- 5 replies
Hi I had another consultation today with our EYFS consultant. She said that the environment in Reception had not progressed with the children and that our continuous provision. She said the sand and water did not contain enough science and maths. We have jugs, measuring, cylinders, sieves etc. All the usual. She says it needs to be more scientific like a lab and the reading corner more like a library. The deputy then said that I should have cards or labels out instructing children / challenging them (I thought this was enhanced provision) that we do do sometimes if it is appropriate. Everytime I meet with her I feel confused as I can't really see what she is sayi…
by Guest- 4 replies
HI I hope someone can help and to check i am not going mad. I'm sure when i was reading on here the other day that during a discussion on reception intake etc there was a comment on admissions for September 2011 and that it was going to be arranged that all schools offered a September Full time start with parents opting for a part time entry if they wished. Am I going mad or did i read this somewhere would be great if someone could point me in the right direction i checked and looked through all the posts and searched the forum topics. I was just chatting to my head and it sort of came out and now i'm thinking did i make it up. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_390, -
- 7 replies
Well it is that time of year again when the joy of report writing takes place!! This year I have to make a statement as to whether the child is working towards, within or above age related expectations in each area of learning. I know not an easy task or what EYFS is all about! Anyway I have to assess this against the FSP scores and to be honest not really sure what to put!! I know that FSP score 6+ in each strand is what we're aiming for with a total of 78+. However not sure how to break up working towards, within and above! I have thought score of 1-3 is working towards age related as below ELGs and 4-8 as working within age related as ELGs and 9 working above …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Church Schools
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi do you take your Reception children to whole school assembly every day? I find we tidy up so often in the day-for assembly, playtime, dinner time... I'd be interested to hear what others do. Thanks Elle
Assessment Help Seeked
by Guest- 2 replies
Please can someone help me. I'm stuck. As far as assessment goes for the children, i have been using Development matters, EPROFILE .WHATdo other teachers keep in their assessment folders? APP? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Father's Day
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Everyone I seem to be lacking in inspiration and creativity at the moment!!!! Father's Day is looming and i can't think of any ideas for a card or simple gift that the children could make. Any ideas would be most welcome