Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Ground Hog Day!
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi, I am really trying to move on my CI time as it is just like ground hog day with the children repeating the same activities every time no matter what I suggest. I have to admit I don't really plan for CI although try to enhance experiences with thigs I know they are interested in. Two main questions 1. How do you you show that there interests feed into your planning 2. How can you move on their play, but still keep it as CI rather than teacher directed and do you plan for this. Thanks would really appreciate some help with this
Fitting In Observations
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi I'm new to the forum and looking forward to sharing with colleagues and also getting advice and guidance. I am wondering how you manage to fit in your observations and also how many obs you do per child per week? I'm the Reception teacher, its a small school one form entry and no nursery so I'm on my own doing eyfs. I am lucky that I only have 15 in my class but mostly i'm working on my own. We share a T.A between several classes but also she is taking study leave too. I find it hard to lead adult led activities, hear readers, sort out behaviour incidents ( this year my class are a lively lot !) and do observations. I do manage to take photos and often write up o…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
Teaching Of Writing In Reception
by Guest Cathryn1974- 24 replies
Hello I was just wondering how everyone else went about slotting in writing activities into their Reception classes and how they go about teaching it. We have writing going on all the time in our setting but we currently don't do any shared or guided writing. What does everyone else do? Any ideas or hints would be very much appreciated. i was thinking one focused activity session per week where every child writes within a meaningful context e.g. a birthday card based ona book, shopping list etc. that is led by an adult. So we can move them on. Thanks Cathryn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Just wondering if anyone has examples of R/Y1 they are willing to share, I'm new to Foundation so would really appreciate any help. Thanks, JL
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Reception Psrn Planning
by Guest- 1 reply
Has anyone got a FABULOUS and easy to use, yet succinct, yet informative, yet all singing and dancing, yet pleasing to consultants whether numeracy or EYFS, PSRN weekly planning sheet please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
15 Hours In Nursery Class
by Guest- 9 replies
We currently have 2 sessions a day for 2.5 hours 5 days a week in a LA Nursery classl. Would welcome ideas on increasing to 3 hours a session. Thanks
- 5 replies
Hi all We are looking to revise our reports for the end of year. After a discussion at school we were looking at something that could include a tick box if achieved certain outcomes (undecided as of yet), with a larger section for a more general pesonal comment/s. Any pointers would be great or if anyone has a format that they would be willing to share that would be much appreciated.
- 2 replies
Hi I was at a local cluster meeting recently and someone said there is a website that lists the links between the stepping stones in the different areas. E.g If you are doing an activity that covers CLL, communication for language ponit 5, it will also cover CD? Unfortunatunately I wasn't quick enough to ask for the website. Does anyone know a website that has done all the hard work for us? Please
What Should Reception Be Like?
by Guest Cathryn1974- 7 replies
Hello I am new here. I have just returned to teaching after a 5 year break (have a young family). I have just taken up a part time Reception post in a school in special measures. Things are frantic. i got observed teaching a nurture / carpet session today for psrn and I did something on exploring their mathematical mark making. I was told the teachin was outstanding but because of their lack of progress in the 20 mintutes it got aa satisfactory. Please can you tell me about any experiences you have of teaching the adult led stuff within the new eyfs. Should it be very structured or should it be very child centred. A little demoralised and more confused. Would …
by Guest- 4 replies
I am sat on my PPA thinking of any ideas that I can do with the story The tortoise and the hare???? anyone?...please x