Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
3,339 topics in this forum
Observations By Ht
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, My Headteacher has asked me to post on here about the format that other schools use for lesson observations. My HT is currently undertaking performance management observations and when she has been to observe me in YR we both struggled to use the Ofsted format to grade my lesson as it did not relate to the FS at all. We have asked our SIP for advice but she hasn't had any suggestions. Please could you let me know the format that your school uses to observe FS teachers. Thank you!
Planning Objectives
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, I am new to Reception and wondered where do you get your planning objectives from? I am currently using the Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals to plan from? Is this right?
- 2 replies
Hi just found out that i am to be obserevd by LEA and my headteacher in a few weeks, the focus is shared writting, and our topic at the miniute is superheroes, they are looking at this in all classses but i feel really nervous about it. I would really appreciate any help or advice on how to make it practicle and fun and how to run the shared writing session. Thanks so much for any advice you can give.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9610, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I am having a problem with finding time for my additional educational needs group. I currently have: number recognition, handwriting + fine motor control development, social group and phonics(lower ability). They are carried out by my TA during register time in the morning and afternoon. On top of this my SENCO wants me to do Speech & Language programmes for children with identified difficulties every day. My problem is neither me or my TA are trained in providing this kind of support + where do I fit this in without depriving the children of their CI time, which I believe should be 1 hour each session? I am on the war path. Help!!! Any comments appreciated.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_65836, -
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi Just wondered do Foundation children in your school attend school assemblies? Thank you x
Continuous Provision
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi can someone please point me in the right direction of continuous plans that i could use with a reception class. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Days Of The Week
by Guest- 7 replies
So days of the week, I know there are some lovely songs out there but my brain is not remembering them. Any ideas or activitites would be lovely x
Planning Help Required Please
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi its been a while since i have been on but missed it so much i had to renew my membership, as I need all your help again please. I am working in nursery and been observed again! What i need help with is what will they be actually be looking for and will i need to work with individual ability groups or can i choose to work with say 4 children of mixed ability at the same time. I know that i have to show on the planning how i would work with different children according to their ability and taking into account any SEN. Will this be enough or what are they looking for? Can anyone give me any ideas or help, many thanks. Chris x x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 9 replies
Was just wondering what peoples views are on sending home high frequency word cards in reception?? should it be done? or should it not? Any thoughts most appreciated
- 1 follower
- 145 replies
Hello Everyone Hope you are all having some rest during the hols. Had two weeks away and now getting into "panic with the paperwork" mode!!!!!!!! I love this site and get so much help and support by reading eveyones thoughts, ideas, advice etc. At the moment am trying to reorganise my continuous provision sheets in light of the new EYFS and seem to be going round in circles, and not sure if I am on the right lines. Have pinched the brilliant ideas from the clever people on the forum, got info from local courses and then added my own bits. Think I have attached one to share???????? and would really, really be grateful for peoples honest opinions of it - before I go ah…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139,