Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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I have to do a Positive handling policy /letter for a child at our setting and have searched on line as Im sure I found one some time ago but cant find it now. Is any one able to help me
- 5 replies
Hi does anyone have 'I can statements' for reading that will link with app levels thanx
Outdoor Classroom
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all, I'm feeling a little grumpy as I've been given a fabulous new outdoor area along with a classroom move- it has a large tarmac area and grass and is just amazing....however I have no resources for outside so can't use it very effectively. The head has implied that if Ofsted come and it's not up to scratch then that is my responsibility so I want to present him with a wish list of things we need for an outstanding outdoor classroom. I have made a plan which divides the space into learning zones similar to our indoor classroom. What I'm asking for is your opinions on great outdoor learning resources/what couldn't you live without? looking forward to hearing from yo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
Reception Timetable And Ipc
by Guest- 3 replies
My school have just signed upto the IPC (International Primary Curriculum). This has lots of topics, and I am planning on using it as a good basis for my planning. The only problem being... at the moment I do a KS1 style literacy and Numeracy everyday, plus phonics!! I have just argued my way to now only doing a 20mins PSRN every morning, and Letters and Sounds and then covering the rest of my PRSN and CLL throughout the IPC. I have managed to get my head on board (and am working on the assistant head) however, am I right, that I don't need to do 5 PSRN and 5 CLL (KS1) style? Beginning to doubt myself now!! Emily
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone use anything other than APP as assessment guideline for numeracy.. I have used Mellissa sheets previous to this but struggling to assess children in yr1 who are struggling for one reason or another. Help before I stick my head in the sand!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Help - We've Had The Phone Call!
by Guest- 10 replies
Got THE call today - Mr O is coming in on Tuesday and Wednesday with an Early Years focus particularly on CLL. We're basing our week loosely around our book of the week THE SMARTEST GIANT IN TOWN. Has anyone got any great ideas that will impress and go down well with the children? It's my first term in F2 and in a recent observation the head said I was too formal - so creative CLL ideas would be lovely. Also, what did Mr O really like in your setting? Don't expect many answers tonight as I know everyone else will be enjoying Children in Need - lucky you! I can hear it through the lounge door! Maybe I'll see some of it when I'm too tired to think any more!!!! Any…
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Hi Everyone, As FS coordinator I have been asked to contribute to our PD day in January which is about assessment. I have been asked to explain what subject co-ordinators should expect to see when they do book scrutinies and also what evidence base we build up in Foundation Stage. (I think this all came from a recent book scrutiny when they were looking for AfL and weren't really sure what they should be looking for). I was wondering if anyone on here has any monitoring proformas, or anything else which may help me to deliver this. Any ideas anyone? Thank you in advance for your help. Mel C
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Hi all, I'm an NQT in reception and, since I trained in primary and mainly had placements in KS2, I have had no previous experience in reception and have been learning as I go....I was starting to feel like I was getting to grips with EYFS but now, once again, I'm very confused.... I've been setting my learning intentions based on the scale points set out in the Foundation Stage Profile, which I have also been using as assessment criteria......but have been reading a lot about Progress Matters and am now worried that I should be using this as a basis for planning and assessments instead, or even alongside the FSP scale points??? Please help I am so confused!!
- 20 replies
After having a manic half-term with lots of difficult domestic stuff, I'm suddenly facing the prospect of going back to school tomorrow still without a clue as to what my planning should look like! Had an advisor in last term who gave me some blank planning proformas but now I'm trying to fill them in I'm totally lost! I want to do a week on Fireworks as that seems appropriate at this time of year and I've got loads of great ideas of activities to do but I can't work out how I can decide what they cover and how to write the planning for them. This is my first year of teaching Reception on their own and I'm so worried about making a mess of it. I've only got a class …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1012, -
Baseline Assesment
by Guest Greenhouse- 8 replies
Hi all, My school is currently looking at baseline assesments which to use, what do they offer, easiest to implement, do you lovely people have any good thoughts or ideas on this topic? I am wary, as I feel that using the EYFS Profile is the antedote to PIPs or similar things. Anyone using anything of any use? Cheers Greenhouse