Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Poems For Year One?
by Guest- 4 replies
Anyone know of any good poems for year ones to read? I have to follow the literacy units so we're doing all about the senses and looking at various smells/tastes/sounds etc ourselves, but I'm finding it difficult to turn up examples of poems like these to read to the children. Online ones would be prefereable so I don't have to go out and buy books myself. Also on a more general theme, anyone know of any poems suitable for year one which don't rhyme? I'm trying to teach mine that they don't have to, but the limited number of big books we have in the school all have rhyming poetry and all the children ever say when I ask them what they think of the poem is "it rhymes".…
Literacy Ladders
by Guest- 2 replies
Anyone know where I can get these from? Used them in a placement school and love to use Literacy ladders but I can't seem to track it down anywhere. It's made by Ginn and is fantastic! Anyone know where I can get it from? Or anyone have it at school and planning on throwing it out? Any help much appreciated!! Thanks Ella
- 4 replies
I am looking for a source that explains the link between planning and assements for my univeristy work and was wondering if anyone could help me, I have looked on sites like, QDCA and TES but to no avail. Thanks in advance.
Learning Jouneys
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I have a YR class of 26 and we are in the process of sorting out what we are doing re. learning journeys. My HT isn't keen on doing individual learning journeys as we are not sure that we would be using it to aid our assessments or planning but more as a memento for the parents. As a compromise myself and another YR teacher thought that we could do just 3 learning journeys per class focusing on one higher, middle and lower ability child. This way we would be able to look more in-depth at their progress and see what our next steps need to be. I know this probably isn't ideal but we feel that this would be more beneficial to us, the rest of the class would still have…
Help With Maths Activities
by Guest- 6 replies
I am in an NQT in a year one class with 28 children. There are no major behavioural issues and surprisingly they are actually quite good at sitting down all together and getting down to some work. Unfortunately they actually aren’t at all ready for this approach. Of the 28 only 5 had reached that magical 78 on their eye-profile, with the rest being under and a significant number (11 I think off the top of my head) achieving 4 or under in key areas of reading, writing, calculating, number etc. Obviously they are not ready for year one objectives and I’m finding it very challenging trying to set things up and plan lessons which cater for the needs of every child. (My top …
- 6 replies
Hi Just had a discussion with my assessment co-ordinator about the progress children are supposed to make during their time in Foundation. I am sure that I read somewhere that we are supposed to aim for children to progress 3 scale points, is this right? And does this mean 3 points in CLLD, or 3 points per strand of CLLD?
- 5 replies
I am being observed by HT who is keen to know about PDR ethos. I suggested she popped in for beginning and end bits as her time is limited. How do I 'plan' this? We will split into 3 groups and use this format for Planning and reviewing( and observing 1 child) and thats about it! it! I love PDR, but it's not like being watched doing a phonic session is it! What kind of things would you recommend I should be demonstrating?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
- 7 replies
Hi, does anyone know of anywhere I can get hold of something that really explains what the development matters statements mean? For 40-60 and the ElG's. I need some kind of reference for the staff in my unit, so they know what each statement really looks like. Especially in areas like 'language for thinking'? I'm not sure they entirely understand what some of the staements mean. Thanks for any ideas!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9844, -
Durham Lea
by Guest- 4 replies
I am relatively new to Reception and I wonder if anyone who works for Durham LEA knows the answer. In the past I know that assessment on entry to Rec was sent off after the first half term. However, now that we are using FSP and not Flying Start 2, when do we enter the data in the Autumn term? Is it December, or as before at the end of the first half term? Also does the assessment data then have to be entered again at the end of the Spring Term as well as the Summer term ? HELP !! Thanks for any replies.
Learning Journey Photo Consent
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, I am just setting up learning journals and need a letter to obtain parental consent for the journeys to be displayed and accessed in the setting, as well as to include photos of other children in their child's journal. Does anyone have an example letter they wouldn't mind sharing please? Thank you Kathryn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762,