Reception: Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Observation Training
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, I know this is very last minute, but was wondering if someone could help. Tomorrow I am running a training for my TA's on how to observe children in the EYFS. As I have no children in school yet, I was going to use a video. I remember on a course being shown one - which is also on the interent - but I can't remember where. If anyone could help tonight, i would really appreciate it. Thanks Emily
- 9 replies
Sorry if this has been asked and answered but my head is still all over the place about this idea of planning from the children's ideas. Pretty please could you share how this works or how you plan to do this. Is it just that say you hear a boy playing and talking about dinosaurs would you do that the next week??? Q's that confuse me is.. If its just one childs interest do all the children have to learn about it the next week? How long do you do it for?? One, two weeks etc and are all your areas then about that theme? Do you write them down as maybe one week lots of children may say things.. and lastly (sorry ) What if you dont hear anything-do i just make…
Parent Information Sheet About Child
by Guest tinkerbell- 9 replies
Hi Can anyone help me please? Did I see an A4 sheet which parents filled in with their child or about their child which could be then used for planning. eg favourite food,toys...what makes them happy? sad? Thanks Tinkerbell
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Encouraging Talking
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, I an interested in making some little boxesto encourage 'talk' and comunication. I've thought of a Magig bag with wands, spells a cape or two and a black cat. Has anyone got any ideas for any more boxes which I could get my mums group to be getting along with? Thanks a lot Sunshine
- 6 replies
I hope you don't mind me asking................i am stuck on a question for my FD, my last assignment in fact ( had an extension due to health probs), anyway, one of the tutors gave me an assignment about improving my book corner to see if it encouraged children to access it independently, and use it more carefully.I'm not enthused by this because our corner is quite lovely and the children, in general, look after the books well.Now,the tutor who gave me this one has disappeared into the ether, and i have to hand this in tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! any ideas/hints/tips etc would be gratefully received!! I am going to talk about how we have invited parents in to read; how we…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
Observation Sheets 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
Hi all, this is my first posting with attachment so here goes nothing! My friend passed me an A4 sheet that she uses for obervations during group times. I loved it, have adapted it slightly and wondered what you all thought. She has been using it for a few years now and finds it works brilliantly. I am new to reception and so loved it as a kind of 'gimme' assessment/obs tool. Hope some of you find it useful, I know i will be using it loads during the forthcoming term. Sarah x small_obs_sheets_for_clipboard.doc
Rec/y1 Maths - Please Help!
by Guest- 2 replies
I am about to start a job share in a mixed Rec/Y1 class - have been at home with my children for a few years so am a bit out of the loop. Have met with other teacher today and done some planning, but I am a bit confused about PSRN. At present the teacher uses a Maths scheme from Kingscourt (Maths Links Plus) which she is keen to carry on using. I have had a look at the Y1 book for this and there are some nice ideas, but it is quite prescriptive and lots of worksheets, haven't seen Rec book yet. I would prefer to link PSRN into our themes for the week and children's needs/interests. What do other people use for their PSRN planning? And what are the requirements for Y…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Leuven Scales
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello everyone, I am going to start assessing children's well being and involvement during observations from this September. I have read up on Leuven Scales and wondered if anyone had the assessment sheets before I start making one myself? Many thanks, Jane xxx
Continuous Provision Planning?
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello everyone, Just trying to get my mind back to the classroom!! I have read lots of discussion about continuous provision planning and would like to know if this is now expected in every reception class? Also what areas should be mentioned as it could go on forever? Does anyone have any they would like to share with us? I have downloaded some from communication4all, but these seem to focus mainly on the early learning goals and not the key learning opps from the EYFS? Can anyone help to clear this up for me? Many thanks, Jane xxx
Medium Term Cll Planning
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I ve done my overall medium term plan with the topic in the middle. Its easy to do a numeracy medium term as the school uses Cumbria grid for learning etc but what separate do i do for literacy. Im doing ourselves and also phase 1 activities to get the speaking and listening promoted and as usual phonics. I just dont know what actually to put put on the cll planning for medium term. Any help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,